Early day visitors to this blog may remember a bowl of soup at Ardella's. Then there was the divine eggs benedict presentation at Ardella's. We are due for another plate, and what could be more interesting than the food someone else is eating. This has all the fixings of a casual California breakfast in a diner at its best: eggs scrambled with spinach and smoked salmon, fried potatoes, a split and toasted English muffin with raspberry jam smeared on (do the English eat English muffins?), tea with a small pot for refills, and little sealed shots of cream for the tea or coffee. Also on the table is a bottle of ketchup (sometimes spelled catsup), which she wisely doesn't use. There are people out there who never eat eggs without ketchup or Tabasco sauce, but the habit mystifies me. I missed including the salt and pepper shakers in the photo (bad blogger, bad, bad). The bill/check for the meal is already on the table, so they must have asked for it early. Have I mentioned that Ardella's is a good place to eat?
Hey! The Blogger dashboard tells me this is post number 150 for Willits Daily Photo!
it sounds so deliciouse!
Now here is the lunch time,I have came back from university and I'm too hungry!
about wearing Hijab,I will bring many photos from Mecca and show you the way Arab women wear Hijab.You will knew that the diffrences between Iranian muslim women and Arab women!Then judge about it ;)
bye till next 16 days!
Yum yum...that looks so good! Italy offers a vast assortment of taste treats, but that photo really makes me drool for an American style breakfast!
Slurp, yum. Enticing photo! I love to eat breakfast out when I'm in the US.
Just for fun I clicked on your Serbian translator, and it was hilarious! (Not your fault, of course, but mechanical translators just don't get shades of meaning...or in this particular case, the meaning at all!) Checked the French one too, and it's hardly better, but great for laughs!
voilà un petit déjeuner qui donne envie. félicitation pour ton 150th post.
this is a breakfast that makes you want. congratulations for your 150th post.
That omelette sounds yummmmmy!
Congratulations on your 150th post!
I can assure you that the English do indeed eat English muffins (well, I do, anyway!) but not for breakfast (it's an afternoon tea food), and definitley not on the same plate as savoury food! :)
The Broken Man
Happy 150th!
I had wedding cake for breakfast today. After a year of sitting in my freezer, it still tasted good.
I like the looks of your breakfast. Wow.
Yummy, yummy, looks so good, but it's my lunch time and this is really making me hungry....
Yum! I wish I were there. Do they deliver? ; )
Congratulations on your 150th!
That looks tasty indeed.
I am one of those crazy people who must have ketchup on their scrambled eggs. And bacon on the side.
happy 150. you should have cake. with or without ketchup.
Breakfast out--my favorite. Fried potatoes, oh it's been so long...
Mazal tov. Here's a song in honor of your milestone:
I don't care if it rains or freezes/ Long as I got my 150 posts/ On the dashboard of my Blogger blog.
Congratulations on the 150th. I'm at #146. Your blog is consistently interesting and illuminating, pictures and text both. Soon we'll be half way through our first year. We should have a special 183rd post celebration.
Congratulations on your 150th post. You're makin' me hungry.
Elaine, your opinion is needed here:
Congratulations on 150 posts! I love this colorful, happy shot.
Sara - Thank you! I hope you have a beautiful journey.
Saretta - I sure wish we had a real Italian restaurant in town.
Bibi - Thanks for trying that. The machines never give natural language of course, but there's a blog in Turkey I dearly wish would install this widget. Even a few key words always helps me get something out of it.
Olivier and Hilda - Thank you!
The Broken Man - My mom doesn't eat scrambled eggs without jam - I can't explain it! I prefer the sourdough English muffins, without any sweet, but instead some butter. Very savoury!
Halcyon - Congratulations to YOU!
Abraham - If you come to Willits, I'll treat you and Patty to this.
Gramma Ann - It does have that effect. I have to remember to eat before I visit my own blog.
Kelly - Almost. They do carry-out. Thank you.
KG - I used to accept it without a thought as a kid, but when I discovered all the other sauces, I realized I didn't have to eat the corn syrup flavored with tomato and salt and citric acid. However, I could easily eat everything on that plate with a slathering of sour cream!
Dina - Positively musical! Hey, if you have potato latkes, you can do these, can't you?
Benjamin - You have always been incredibly kind to me from the very beginning. You and I were of the same blog wave, and visited each other before anyone else knew about Victoria and Willits (down there at the bottom of the alphabet). I consider you my Blog Brother. It occurs to me that Blogger is counting all the posts, not days, and I added some superfluous "fire" posts when that was a hot topic. So you may have started a few days sooner. I would love to do something to mark the half year point!
Petrea - Thank you, it's the trend. I'll be over to post the links about photographer's rights soon.
Laurie - Thanks!
Oh my, that looks delicious.
English muffins do exist in England, but they are not indigenous and are in fact an American import, and weren't known twenty years ago when I was married to an American and used to visit the US regularly (a long, long way from Willits, California, I'm afraid.) But they are delicious, toasted, split and covered with butter and marmite. I used to keep my own 500 gram pot of marmite over there for exactly this purpose as english muffins and marmite selcom met naturally.
That looks really good, especially the well toasted English muffin.
I used to LOVE scambled eggs or omelettes for breakfast but now, I want something fancier. I like poached eggs with hollandaise sauce on an English muffin.
Woo-hoo, 150!!! Keep up the good work!
Apparently ketchup is probably one of the less caloric seasoning you could choose (it certainly beats mayo, hollandaise, etc). I was so surprised to learn about this and not too happy (us Belgian eat our fries with mayo, ketchup would be criminal ;)
Enitharmon (hi, Rosie) may eat English muffins but I've never done so. The things I see called muffins in the UK these days are like large individual sponge cakes (cup cakes? no frosting/icing) and come in various flavours - blueberry, chocolate etc. They can be pretty good but you can't split and toast them.
The breakfast looks wonderful :)
Hey! Penny! Good to see you. 8^) Yes, we have "regular" muffins the same as you describe too. But these seem to be more akin to crumpets - only they aren't crumpets, which we can also buy at some stores with import foods. English muffins don't have the holes coming through to the outside, and have a more savory flavor like most any ordinary bread. The rough interior texture is considered ideal for capturing melted butter, jam, or other spreads.
I'm so pleased to see you here! I hope this means you have DSL now.
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