I spent about an hour on Sunday out around Little Lake Valley, looking for more typical scenes of ranches and woods to photograph. The broken clouds created nice light, and textured skies, which improves the odds of catching something presentable for a quick-clicker like me. I got out of my truck near
the Davis Creek Bridge, and grabbed some pastoral images, then looked down at the fence in front of me. It looks like horse hair caught in a barb on the wire fence. It looked too heavy to be human hair, and it was too long to have come from cattle. It must have hurt to pull away from that.
It also did not come from a fantasy creature. I am sad to say that
The Willits News recently printed
an account of a "b--foot" sighting, written by one of their paid staff "reporters". This is at least the second time this year they have run a story that details someone being taken in by a hoax, and writing it as if the hoax were true, without any sensible research or quotes. I don't fault the people who were fooled, I fault the paper for printing it. If they feel compelled to "entertain" us with this nonsense, they should provide a separately formatted column for such things.
If you find this blog post by Googling b--foot, and feel an impulse to give me descriptions and links of "proof", or to pile on with links to disputations,
don't do it. Your speech is not constitutionally protected here, and I will be swift to nuke any such time-wasting commentary. I'm even tired of seeing myself talk about this. Go instead to
The Willits News website and
comment on their story. That's what you were looking for in the first place. There's a long discussion going on over there, and it has vastly greater numbers of readers than this blog. This picture, above, just shows evidence of a painful moment for the backside of a horse.
On a brighter note, there are some
shots of country scenery, photographed at the same spot, on my Overflow blog.