I'm running short of time tonight, so what better than to dip into the spring photo archives for a shot I have long wanted to display. The shop owner of Mazahar on Main Street takes regular trips around the Near East, and often comes back with interesting new inventory. These desert boots were among her finds, and are so inspiring. I wonder if I can find anything in my closet I could customize with such abandon.
très fun les chaussures ;o)).
very fun shoes ;o)).
Cool shoes
So colorful shoes!
Oh, oh ... I would love a pair!
What clourful footwear!
I will Travel to Mecca on friday afterrnoon UseElaine.Miss your blog!
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Really neat shoes.
Abraham Lincoln
—Brookville Daily Photo
What kid wouldn't love a pair of these? Your friend has a good eye for fashion. :)
Fun! I'd love to have several pairs of these! Now you've given me an idea… ;D
Such a brilliant combination of colours!
I wonder if she ventured down to the South Pas Arts and Crafts Fair a few months ago. My husband and I saw shoes like these there and thought they were so cool -- not just for kids but for anyone!
Neat shot, Elaine. Love it.
Oooh, cool!
So, which pair did YOU buy? ;-)
Beautiful shot and Beautiful shoes. I want some!
What a pair of shoes. I'd hate to wear them and ruin them.
They are called desert boots? I can't imagine them in our desert. LOL
Now these would brighten up my day anytime.
Must. Have.
Petrea - I think Laurie has a lead on a local source for you. 8^)
Dina - I call them desert boots because the shape and construction is about the same as the tan suede shoes all the 13 year old girls in Sacramento had to have in 1972, and that's what we called them. I'll just bet somebody sells these in Jerusalem somewhere.
So the consensus seems to be that these are a hit! (Nope, I didn't get a pair... maybe next time. I like the fish conversation, but they sold already.) If I see any walking around Willits, I'll photograph them.
shoes to put with the dresses Tomate Farcie
Bergson - Your fashion sense is exquisite, naturally. 8^)
I'll just be you could find suitable canvass in your closet ... or if you're really bold (suspect this might be the case :)) ... you could just use your feet :)
Cool shoes!
Those are certainly happy feet!
Ha! I can just see you walking up to a stranger and saying "May I photograph your feet?"
Actually...I've been meaning to ask about your interesting shoes in the July 24 post.
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