The flock of gray geese looked so appealing that I had to pull off the road to attempt a photograph. They quickly fled the corral, not from me, but from the sudden appearance of a big, ragged llama. He zeroed in on me, climbed up the gate a bit, and bared his teeth while issuing guttural threats. The only thing between me and death, he said, was this puny gate. Intrepid City Daily Photo Blogger that I am, I retreated only after getting the shots. I am free to photograph!, I said, as I leaped back into my little truck and hurried on my way.

Aw, he's just giving you a friendly smile and greeting :) Cheerful looking llama. They aren't carnivores, you know. Perfectly safe. Probably just wanted his chin or ears scratched.
Chuck, he sounded like a alligator with a bad cold. You should have heard him!
Tell you what. You pet him first.
I think that llama was smitten by you and that smile and guttural moaning was his love call!!!!
Love it!!!!
Nice to be back and to catch up with you!!!!
I did not know they would do this but there he stands.
I like the story. He looks sort of like he's smiling and posing in the second photo.
In the second shot, it looks like he is saying "Cheeseeeeeee" :)
A photo blogger life is not that smooth!!!
he just wanted his nice little teeths!!! brushed...
I would have run for my life like you did...because even if they are not carnivores, he would have to taste to know!!!
That is one huge scary llama.
Glad you did the Eats, shoots and leaves thing (well, not eats).
I had to work with some of these male llamas at Heifer Ranch. Tried to be nice to one by feeding him a carrot. He chewed it up and spit it in my eye.
Brave one, you are, Elaine. Good onya.
Elaine -- this is too cute! They can spit a good distance so it's good that didn't happen! My neighbor does llama rescue. See here http://salemdailyphoto.blogspot.com/search?q=llama
She hugs them and they love her. But they give me the wary eye as I am a stranger. We offered her part of our field to use and they are in the process of fencing it off so with them in my 'yard', maybe I'll be able to get closer. Great post!
Sorry, but he looks rather satanic to me - this is where a zoom lens and a swift vehicle come in handy.
Too funny!! hehe
A guard llama. How interesting. It is big, isn't it?
Many thanks for your visits to Norwich Daily Photo. I hope that you enjoy the colours of summer on my blog.
good story & good for you that you wouldn't back down. It's amazing how one's camera makes one brave. It's the creative impulse too,I think!
Jules - If that's the look of love, I'm done with love. Nice to see you back!
Abraham - I read somewhere that llamas are used to guard sheep in the mountains because they are aggressive protectors against mountain lions. They must be fearless.
Halcyon and Bill - When I looked at the photo on my computer, I thought people would think that. Notice, if you will, the flattened back ears.
Marie-noyale and Dina - These blogs will lead us to places we otherwise wouldn't go to. We need measures of bravery and prudence.
Jill - My guess is that llamas can be as variable as dogs. Some are aggressive guards, some are as gentle as lambs.
KG - My feelings exactly!
Coco Cutie and Joy - He was big, all right, and cute in a "Night of the Living Dead" sort of way. Zombies!
Lily H. - Good thing the camera has a longer reach than the feet.
What an excellent shot of his evil grin, and a delightful description to go with it. I'm so glad you're safe. Be careful out there!
....Baring his teeth and rushing for the gate, he mistook Eliane for the dentist he was hoping would give him that much-needed root canal! Alas, it was not to be!.......
What an evil looking llama. Great capture though.
That's one serious lookin' llama. I'd definitely stand back!
That is one baaaaad llama. Reminds me of that movie about the mutant killer sheep.
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