Like hoaxes around the world - bug-eyed aliens in Area 51, crop circles in England, a monster in Loch Ness - Bigfoot was once a something of a folk legend in the redwood forest region. These ideas have been useful for marketing and tourism in their various locales, and some people have sadly taken them all too seriously. Thirty or forty years ago, there was a counterculture/back-to-the-land/new settler/hippie collective/commune over near the coast called "Bigfoot," but with a wink I'm sure. However, you don't hear about this old myth very often any more. Unless you happen to pass closely by the empty market building behind the Hotel Van, you probably wouldn't give him a second thought. The vivid teal green and yellow are actually a reference to the local high school colors.
Hi Elaine,
That is a nice photo of the mural. I think it is also a nice mural.
It was only once I blew it up that I could see what you were talking about.
Hey, someone has put a lot of effort into that mural.
Good post ...
What would we be without legends like Big Foot, Paul Bunyon, Brittney Spears...oops!
Love this mural.
Country Clippings
Gosh, as soon as I saw this I thought Puzzles! and there it is. Happy me!
Still, if you ever do capture a picture of Big-Foot, please do post it.
Thank you Abraham!
Julie - He is fairly well hidden in there. Thanks for taking a look.
EG - You pays yer money, and picks yer myths!
PA - I'm glad you found it - I was thinking of you.
Steve - I promise, if that happens, I will. 8^)
It's a nice mural, bigfoot or no. :)
I love the colors of the mural. Is Bigfoot supposed to be the same as the Yeti in the Himalayas, or just a distant cousin?
Beautiful paint. One can see the bricks of the wall under it.
Greetings of very old Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo of the North of France. It's a long time I was not there.
But would big foot be happy about this portrait
Halcyon - It is one of the more professional looking of our murals.
Boston - I think they are still decoding both their DNA to make a determination about that.
Perle - Thanks for dropping by.
Mo - I've never heard it said that Bigfoot was sensitive about appearing fat.
Yeah, I have watched about these bigfoot from History channel. And It seems they are everywhere. Anyway,
I always enjoy these street art. Cool shot!
Very nice painting on the wall.
Nice photo!
Thanks iBlowfish - I hope the program identified the hoax for what it is!
Meead - Thanks for taking a look. I think I prefer the colors of the little mosque you posted recently.
So that's where sasquatch is hiding out! Cool mural for sure, like the colors.
Not just in the redwoods - there lots of local lore about Bigfoot up here too, called sasquatch. There's stories from the native peoples and more current reports/sightings too - even some video - Google "Sasquatch"
Raf, Benjamin - Believe what you may, I'm still waiting for the DNA sequencing. ;^) And Benjamin, thanks so much for the nod in the game thread.
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