Whatever you do, do not interpret this as a scene from Dr. Strangelove. This is not meant to depict Slim Pickens riding a nuclear warhead, hooting and hollering, in the climax of that movie. Just put that out of your mind. (It's a great movie - if you haven't seen it lately or ever, do rent it.)
The theme for this year's Frontier Days was "Ropin' A Star", and this entry won the under-20ft. class judging for the parade. See the star on the top of the truck in front, and the rope extending to it? Hey, they really went for it!
A variety of other entrants are pictured on my Overflow blog.
I like that, very original.
Do you think he learnt how to love the bomb then? You got my first thoguth about the film straight off. Great shot and your narrative was spot on.
This is quite funny coming the day after Iran test fired all those long range (2000 km) missiles, the photos of which, some say, were Photoshopped.
I like your parade one much better.
I thought the same thing as Dina. Very good!
Thanks everyone! 8^)
I think it was intended as a very old fashioned "rocket" in the sense of children's books in the late 50s and early 60s - a vessel for getting near the stars. I would guess they never saw the movie.
What fun! This reminds "Louis" of a tour 'Flash Gordon' made when "Louis" was about 8 years old. 'Flash' was accompanied by a 'rocket' similar to this that the kids could climb into and make their fantasy space flights. Thanks for bringing back a nice memory!
I'm afraid that despite your best efforts, the Slim Pickins image is the one that will stay with me!
Looks like a fun float to ride in but it doesn't very comfortable or secure.
he is riding a nuclear warhead - the boy - he will fly.. (haks..3x-kidding)
I had almost forgotten about Dr. Stangelove until I saw your photo...want to rent it again!
When I was a teenager (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth), we called motorcycles "crotch rockets" (because we thought we were cool, hah). This photo give a whole new meaning to the phrase.
Oh, but I thought of Strangelove even before I read your copy!
me too, that was a great movie & this photo is an original, like the movie...
Louis - I'm just a touch too young for Flash Gordon, but I'm glad you thought of him.
bitingmidge - Well I tried. ;^)
Ming - I'm sure he's used to sitting on the western saddle for long periods at slow speeds. Don't worry.
kumpulan - He's just playing, I promise! 8^)
Bibi - It's even better to see as a grown up.
KG - Too funny! LOL
Petrea, Lily - I did my best to re-spin the situation, but the audience will not be fooled. ;^)
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