Our community radio station is such a vital element of Mendocino county and, except for a few key positions, is entirely operated by volunteers. The main studios and broadcast tower are over in Andersen Valley to the southwest, but the Willits studio is linked in for additional production coverage in the inland and north areas of the population. Here, Louis performs a sound check as he learns to produce his own news broadcasts. He's been delivering coverage of local government meetings and hearings for quite a while, and lately Tim has been mentoring Louis in the engineering part of it, broadening the base of local skill-holders. Tim hosts his own weekly late-night talk and music show, Cardboard Prison Radio, on Wednesdays at midnight. Check them out at
www.kzyx.org, where internet streaming is available.
Without hard-working volunteers like these, we would barely have a functioning democracy. If we don't take it upon ourselves to keep an eye out on the decisions being made in our names, we deserve what we get handed to us. Keep the airwaves free, keep the libraries free, keep the internet free. Or pry them from our cold, dead hands.
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