About a month ago, I was wandering along Main Street, looking for photo opportunities, when I started seeing a number of people through the window of the Purple Thistle restaurant wearing bright colors. Then several more individuals strode past me, and darted off to the pathway to the patio area I was seeing. Now, I tend to be a hermit, and few people actually know me, although they might see my face around Ardella's lunch counter, or at the market. But I decided to take the plunge and follow a rabbit down this rabbit hole. What I found was the Red Hat Society in all their red, purple, and white splendor, gathering for a meeting. I was allowed to freely wander about with my camera clearly in hand, looking for angles and opportunities. I noticed a special enchantment in the air, and soon found the source, Jay Gordon. I introduced myself to the famous man-about-town, and told him of my blog, and why I was taking pictures. Suddenly, I stood amid a special presentation inducting Mr. Gordon into the Society as an honorary member, complete with hat. Smiles of irrepressible delight are the expressions people usually have around Jay.
Lo! And Behold! He included a very kind nod to Willits Daily Photo in his weekly column in the July 25th Nickel & Dime circular. Bless him! More Red Hats...
Elaine,congrats on the mention! This is a wonderful photo which embodies the happy spirit of the Red Hat Society.
I absolutely LOVE your blog.
I think I have heard of the red hat society. What exactly do they stand for?
"When I am an old lady I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go and doesn't suit me."
-Jenny Joseph, "Warning".
This poem suits me just fine, but I substitue "leopard print" for purple, and I've already started that.
Great shots, looks like a fun bunch - we have them in Knoxville too.
Nice post. I enjoyed reading it and was surprised that you tend to be a hermit.
Red Hats! Nice photo and text.
Thank you for your comment Elain. Yes, you ae right. Markings on our roads are not well repainted. So they are often colored out. I always think of more resistant traffic colors.
Red hats, for no other reason than fun, I presume. What a good idea.
As for the hermit in you (and in me), I have a suggestion you may take or leave: I had business cards made up for Pasadena Daily Photo. I chose a photo of mine that I like, and printed my name and url on it. It serves as a calling card and breaks the ice. Also makes people feel like I'm a local booster, which I am, so they're usually happy to join in the boosting.
Laurie - Thank you so much!
Halcyon - Click on the link, and all will be revealed! (hint - fun!)
KG - They seem to be everywhere, and embody that Baby Boomer generation of blazing their own way into every age.
Abraham - It's true. I guess I'm even more odd in person than I am in cyber-print. But I do what I have to do to blog!
Meead - Road paint markings wear out here too. But the big freeways are usually refreshed more often than the littler streets. I have a post in my blog showing some city workers installing some plastic material on the street for a cross walk.
Petrea - Fun! Yes! Thanks for the card idea. It had crossed my mind to do something like that a while back, but I think I'm afraid it might obligate me to only boost, or to try to do better, or... Well, it might be a commitment issue. You would love Jay Gordon - he is a booster and instigator to his core. His business card simply says he is "a person who arranges things". 8^)
I see what you mean. Don't want to be required to only boost.
My card has a photo of a rusted out car on it, which I hope makes the statement that boosting is not the only thing I do. Your card could say something like "Telling Willits like it is." Or it could be a photo of one of those beautiful old rail cars with graffiti. It could just say your name and declare you as a pro.
I'm glad that you are not a cyber hermit! I would miss your mug ! I see it everywhere:)
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