These Northwestern Pacific Railroad cars haven't moved in years, and generations of black-tailed deer know it. Can you spot the doe grazing beyond this manzanita bush?
A couple of these cars have caught fire from squatters trying to keep warm. It's extremely dangerous for the volunteer firemen to go in when they are burning, but they do if they think there's a chance someone is inside. I'm not one for naming names, but today I salute Willits-born Fire Chief Jeff Smith, now on his second day of retirement. One of the most gracious, capable, and committed people you'll ever want to know. He's earned some rest after 31 years of service. [edited for more years of service than I originally heard!]
Neat picture, is that like a graveyard for old RR cars? I bet there are some real neat ones there. Congrats to Chief Smith on his retirement. I dont think we can ever thank firefighters enough for the job they do to protect us.
Well, it's not "officially" a railcar graveyard, but that's how it wound up. There are insurmountable landslides and washouts to the north and south. I'll be posting more pictures of them as I go along. We also have some great restored engines to see. Thanks for stopping by.
Your photos are beautifully composed. I had to enlarge this one to see the doe.
What is manzanita? Is it the same as chamomile or something different?
Hi Bursa! Manzanita is a shrub in the same botanical family as heather, and it has just as many regional variations. You can see a closer look at the flowers on my March 17th post.
Beautiful shot. I had to enlarge it to see the doe, and there she is, peeking.
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