The Sierra Northern Railway, denoted by SERA, is the railroad maintenance branch of the company that owns the local "Skunk Train". They have been working to catch up with a great deal of repairs on the line since purchasing it a few years ago. The forty miles of track to the coast is quite steep in some places and, like any railway through these coast ranges, can be subject to washouts and slides. This car sits on a side track not far from the depot.
Having lived beside the railroad tracks where I was born almost 74 years ago, I look at this old "coal" car and remember the days when the owner of the Gordon Coal and Hardware Company paid Gail and Bobby Harleman the big sum of $20.00 to unload one of these. That meant opening the chute and on hands and knees, with scoop shovels, move the coal as it falls out, away from the tracks and onto an every increasing coal pile. It was during World War II and both boys, brothers, were drafted and someone else got to earn $20.00 unloading the coal cars.
Your photograph brought back all of these old memories. The other part of the story is that both boys are long since deceased. I don't know what they might be doing now wherever they are but it won't be shoveling coal.
Thanks for the story Abraham. So many people have touched our lives along the way.
Hi USelaine, I wish we have those stop or not working trains or railroad here in Cleveland, so I can at least take some pictures. Mostly those trains just passing this city.
And thank you for your comment in my blog yesterday, I really appreciated it.
This is quite an interesting picture, We have a huge railway network in Pakistan but seldom get the opportunity to take such great pictures of the railway.
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