The Willits Farmer's Market includes vendors who are decidedly not farmers, but offer a refreshing variety of handcrafted goods. While I continue to take weekly deliveries of a half bushel basket of bio-dynamically grown produce from Live Power Farm, thanks to folks like this jewelry seller, I still can find tables of other items of interest to browse. I can't always make it to Bud Snider Park (also called City Park) before it closes down, but when I do, I can count on many friendly faces under the shelter of tall, arching trees.
I’ll be out of town for a few days, so won’t be able to respond until I get back. Thank you for your visits.
They look so simple but nice!
Oh heck I'll just have to buy them all!
Oooh! I am so glad I'm not there. I have a weakness for necklaces and these stones are so lovely! Great colors and textures! Drool…
I love the nautilus! And the one with three horizontal bars — right side, third from the top. :)
Eep, I better leave now.
Oh, and have a safe trip!
Hilda, we'd have to arm wrestle for rights to that nautilus! I also like the pearl 5 from the left and 4 down.
Elaine, no fair with this one. It's not like you are a catalog and we could order something...
Ooh, I love when there's jewelry involved. The Farmer's Market sounds like a good outing even if you do only buy produce. And I love 'Veggie night' on the Live Power Farm site!
Great photo - very funny!
Meead - I like seeing the simplicity of a pretty bit of stone too.
Marie - Leave some for us!
Hilda and Laurie - I like window shopping on other people's blogs too. 8^) There are two nautilus fossils, so you could each have one. I like the black and white pebble, three from left and three down - reminds me of a Motherwell abstract painting.
Jill - Those cats on the Live Power site crack me up every time I see them.
Mustafa - Welcome!
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