Hilda of My Manila daily photo blog, tagged me day before yesterday to reveal five details about myself so, like peeking at the layers of a madrone, here goes:
1. As student body president of my elementary school, I discovered politics was not for me.
2. My great-great-great grandfather was a Gunner in the Royal Artillery during the Napoleonic Wars.
3. I like my eggs scrambled, soft.
4. I love old Nat King Cole recordings.
5. I'm an Aquarius sun, Aries moon, and Libra ascendant in the Western zodiac, and was born in the Chinese Year of the Earth Pig. (Do you know your astrological signs?)
Now I'm supposed to tag five other people. Let's see if they are up to the challenge!
1. Ron in Fort Bragg, California, USA
2. Kris in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
3. Petrea in Pasadena, California, USA
4. Sara in Mashhad, Iran
5. Meead in Portland, Oregon, USA
arty trunk !
Perfect photo for revealing things about yourself. Thanks for playing along, Elaine. I I especially like that tidbit about your many-greats grandfather. Too bad about #1 though. I think you would have made a very good one.
Thanks for posting such great pics from my much beloved home town! When I lived in Brooktrails and I couldn't tell you how many madrone trees I peeled!
Your photos really are lovely. I must admit that there are a few of the LL Valley that I return to frequently, daydreaming about returning to my funky little small hometown.
THIS is the bark I'm talkin' about! I saw a tree surrounded by a pile of it. Nature is so fabulous and I do mean that.
I've been tagged, you debil. I'll have to think of secrets I don't mind revealing...
I'm on to it!
Sensory overload here - moss and peeling madrone in one photo.
Which Royal Artillery was the GGGGfather in?
Babzy - That's what I like about them. 6^)
Hilda - I finally fixed the link back to your blog! As for politics, I like being on the outside where I can just advocate instead of getting impossible assignments and having to compromise. But thanks. 6^)
Emily! - Thank you for commenting! I don't know how long it's been since you've came back, but even in the few years I've been here there have been lots of changes.
P - Hey, good-lookin'. What's your sign?
Kris - Henry Napoleon!? Well, it's no less grand than Alexander, I suppose.
Benjamin - I hope you've had a chance to gather your composure once again. Shock and Awe blogging is an occupational hazard when you live in Willits.
3XGFather was British, or more precisely Cornish, fighting in the British Royal Artillery. His unit was lucky enough to be posted at Halle, ready to engage any French who might have attempted that road to Brussels, while the blood and guts spilled about a mile away at Waterloo. One of history's little variables that you might say contributed to my existence, oddly enough.
Thanks everyone!
I'm an Aries, and I like long walks on the beach, and...
Nature is pretty amazing. We've a number of Madrone trees in my neighborhood and I love them in late afternoon light, especially in the winter , against a clean and clear blue sky.
Lovely moss. Some 'mobile' moss on my blog today. Or something like that!
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