These pavement grooves signal a change in the sidewalk's surface angle, as it slopes down to meet the street for crossing by wheelchairs or the visually impaired. They seem to provide secure footing for some moss as well, but the bits of lichen sprinkled about blew down from the trees in the rain and wind, and won't be sticking around.
Neat moss. I am off to do the puzzle now!
Holy cow. How did you see a photo in that. You are amazing.
Had not thought about the aid for the visually impaired. Unfortunately this isn't consistent with all sidewalks. Pity.
Thanks for yet another way to divert myself from stuff I "should" be doing. The puzzle was fun!
Great photo of noticing the detail!
Well done!
Wonderful photograph, how do you find such great subjects for your Pictures, I'm inspired!
I just love this - GROOVY. Very, very clever. (I recently took a similar shot, but while pretty, not really interesting.)
You have a special eye for concrete. I loved the wheelbarrow and wall of a week ago, too. But then, I'm a little strange in my love of Portland cement... Good eye you have.
This is the kind of thing that we should instigate here but neglect which annoys me greatlly. Nicely done too.
The sweep of this caught my eye and teased me with beauty I've missed. Very nice.
I didn't know this about sidewalk design although I am familiar with the 1/4 inch rule. Can't have grooves exceed 1/4 inch might high heeled walkers get stuck.
I enjoy taking shots like this; I call them urban abstracts for lack of a better name.
I went out for a walk lat night and I came across the treaded curb. They're everywhere! just not as attractive without the moss.
Nice and unexpected observation.
Halcyon and V - I'm glad you like it!
Chuck - I've seen textured mats used as well, but older installations might not have either. I'm glad they are required, because everyone deserves as much self sufficiency as the infrastructure will allow.
Chuck - If you hit the post label "jigsaw" you'll find more on this blog. 8^)
Ron - I look down as much as up! Thanks.
D Rebel - I've noticed the differences in how the pedestrian environments are formed when I've traveled, so I decided that what is ordinary for me might be unexpected for someone visiting here too.
Tash - It was the way the late afternoon light was hitting this sidewalk that really caught my eye. I have nothing against prettiness, but as I said to D Rebel, I got thinking about what was behind the image, so had something to say too.
Joe - I like walls too. They just seem to lend themselves to modern art type compositions. You'll find more if you click on the "backsides" label of the wheelbarrow post. My mom and I are noted for being able to kill a lot of time just browsing around hardware stores. I'm still not sure what the genetic advantage would be.
Babooshka - It came out of the great age of tearing down senseless discrimination over here, starting some thirty years ago, and continuing even now. Of course, it is now fashionable to sneer at anything like this as merely "politically correct", instead of seeing the obvious wisdom. I guess those people expect to be "shut ins" if they are ever injured. As the handicapped what they need, then join with them in advocating for better infrastructure. It can be done.
Kym - Thank you. It's good to see you back online!
PA - In Mendocino county, I think stilettos are outlawed, so no worries.
Bibi - Hey! Good name! I like doing those kinds of shots too, but I figure I have to mix in other types of views as well.
PA - The moss was irresistible. As with lichen, I have to talk myself down from posting too many images of it.
Marc - Thanks!
Thank you all! I'm sure for many, this pressed the bounds of interest.
I do like this one. It could be an album cover, I think.
They blast it out with hot water here.
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