I've been too timid to ask anyone what these tube vents are for, but they and the door are metal, painted a brilliant blue. There's no doorknob, only a key operated lock. It's at the back of a clothing shop. I wonder what would happen if you just reached in...
The first day of every month is a Theme Day among City Daily Photo Bloggers like me. This time around, 183 have signed up to interpret "metal". Click here to view thumbnails for all the participants. You will find yourself on a wonderful journey around the world.
If it weren't for the timber, I would have guessed that it's a bomb shelter!
the top for hot air to come out and the bottom for intake of cold air?
Happy Theme Day!
Could be an exhaust. But I like the bright blue colour! Nice shot.
Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comments. Happy theme day!
how strange and how amazing - and painted blue too. Love this. Great choice.
Good to catch up with your colourful blog!! I didn't get time to put my URL down for this as I have been away. Nice one though!!!
Yes, very strange indeed! But perfect for this theme day.
elle est assez surprenante cette porte, c'est pour les curieux ;o). bon choix, j'aime beaucoup
it is quite surprising that door is for the curious; o). good choice, I love
I'm pretty sure keropokman is right in that they are airvents - there is probably a heavy-duty cleaning machine behind the door which itself is for maintainence access
Double dare ya! ;D
Maybe they're just decorations! But poke something else other than your fingers in there first...
I love your mystery shot.
Great shot! Love the way the yellow stripes work with the blue door! It is a little curious! I wouldn't have the courage to reach in though!
I would guess its was an exhaust for a dryer, but theres no dirt or lint. Its very clean. Nice job getting my brain to work so early on a Friday.
I love the colors and the shadows!
::laughs:: It makes me think of a robot ("Danger, Will Robinson!") punching holes through the door with his fantastic robot arms!
Love it. :)
Good grief, it looks like somethign out of Dr Who (or Lost In Space, as josy said!)
Ah, the mystery! Must have taken you some effort to find this door! Nice picture - bluemetal!!
It seems likely that they are vents, one for a heating unit and the other for a clothes dryer perhaps. The blue becomes a wonderful background for the objects in your post. I admire inquisitiveness, but PLEASE, don't stick you hand inside!!
Kate and I are on the same track. Oddly enough when I moved in my home a few years ago some engineering genius had vented my dryer out the basement door. Not quite as big of a vent as yours, but an eyesore. I sort of like the two blue tubes reaching out ! Cool addition to Theme Day.
I have no idea what it is for, but I think you ought to ask. :)
I think this is the most interesting take I've seen on the metal theme yet!
The color of my bathtub.
This must be from a sci fi remake of that movie with Audrey Hepburn and Gary Cooper where he put his hand in the lion's mouth sculpture... help me out here, I haven't had coffee this morning...
Love it, Elaine. That blue metal! Too wonderful!
It's a pet's door. Upper tube for birds? The bottom one for cat?
Bandung Daily
Ooohhhh, luscious colour choice!
Oooh. A dare. I love a dare. As a kid, I'd have been over there sticking my hand in those tubes. Now, probably not. My grown-up luck would result in me getting stuck.
Happy Theme Day! And have a great weekend, Elaine!
Hi Elaine!
Thank you for commenting on my Theme Day post today.
The design and color of that door under the bright sunny day are certainly very nice, and a perfect choice for the Metal theme day.
Did you sneak up to take a peek? :-)
Love the creative look of the door but I hope it's done solely for artistic reason, and not for anything illegal.
Please Elaine, keep your hands outta there. We need you to keep on photographing with them.
In the Middle East that color on houses is to ward off the evil eye.
I wonder what its all about?! Its a fantastic colour. Happy theme day :)
Curious placement of vents for sure. I think I'd be a bit reluctant to put my hand into either one, however.
Once again folks Willits Daily Photo surpasses us all and leaves us choking and gasping in the dust. How brilliant to find on a telephone pole the trigram Ch'ien, which stands for the element "Metal."
I;m guessing Keropok Man is correct. I do like this photo!
OH MY GOODNESS! Thank you all for coming around! I try to visit as many of the Theme Day blogs as I can, and there were great interpretations out in the world on "Metal". And your responses here have some themes running as well, so I'll try to sum up:
Color - I responded to the color too when I saw this door, and it is easily seen beside a central parking lot. A clean sky blue makes me happy. The idea that these could be just "Art" fits well with the hippie sensibilities found in this area. Cool bathtub, Palm Axis!
Fantasy - I thought of some of the same sci-fi references with the low-tech kooky angles that seem to correspond to nothing, or robot arms frozen in time. Laurie, that was Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn in "Roman Holiday", one of my favorite movies. I also wonder if giant worms slither out in the dark of night, or maybe loop around from top to bottom.
Mystery and Adventure - You are some brave people who would go ahead and reach in! What if there's a guard dog in there? Or an alligator? Or a vicious llama?! And on that note, I like the pet door idea. The cat goes in, the bird flies out? Or a bomb shelter; now that would be something. Maybe it leads down to the concrete refuge deep in the ground, Dr. Strangelove style.
Functional Good Sense - Yes, I figured they must be, or have been, vents for something. When the laundry idea came up, a thought clicked for me. As I said, this is at the back of a clothing store, but I didn't mention that it sells tie-dye clothes. It hadn't occurred to me that they might decorate some of their merchandise on site, which would fit with washers and dryers. Duh!
Chi'en - Benjamin! I was going to riff with you on that, but Google got me as far as some Anime characters, and a news reporter who was fired for swearing on the air. But I trust you mean the three horizontal strips. You see right through me, sir. LOL!
Again, thank you all for coming around and playing along. It was great fun. This almost gives me the courage to march right into that store and ask to speak to the manager. 8^)
great representation of the theme!
Mysterious vents make a marvelous metal-theme photo!
Am I the only twisted geek that sees the robot from Lost in Space struggling to escape from some prison?
LOL! Kym, you'll see that Josy and Sally join you in your vision.
Magiceye and Louis - Thank you!
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