Few Jamaicans or Ethiopians live in Mendocino county, but the exotic Rastafari motif is popular among many of the semi-illegal herb growers and users. This shop, in part of the Van Hotel building, caters to those seeking Bob Marley t-shirts and hemp fiber textiles, among other things. The enormity of the shadow economy in Mendocino cannot be overstated.
Interesting. Cocke County in TN has that same shadow economy, but no one in Del Rio would sport Rasta clothing. More likely you'd see a plain t-shirt accessorized by firearms.
I've seen a few of these stores in Brooklyn but never really went inside any of them.
Let's just say, I tend to dress a little geeky. :-)
Humboldt has the same shadow economy and the same type of stores, too. I love hemp fabric but the price makes me hesitate. I do have one really lovely shirt though.
Oh cool. Now you've good me singing "Iron Lion Zion."
Maybe I'll post an Ethiopian church for you with that same Lion of Judah.
I think that this blog about the rastafari shop is missleading and rude to the community. The shop offers more than what this photographer thinks. Have more of an open mind please community.
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