I'm sure this is a common joke sign available in novelty shops in any number of cities around the country. (Click on the image to enlarge it.) But how many of you can say it has been intentionally and officially installed in the parking lot of your county justice center and city hall? I know, some of you locals worry that if I keep blogging these things, everyone will want to move here.
[Edit Aug 7] I just found a similar sign on Cheltenham Daily Photo this week!
Actually, I have not seen this before. It is quite funny. Exceptional sense of humour if put there by a city official - they are not known for levity down here.
That is great! Willets may have just surpassed my old home town of Austin, Texas for most irreverently silly place. That sign is too funny. I might not even mind paying an overdue parking ticket to a city with a sense of humor like that.
LOL! I wonder if your mayor knows it's there? ;D
woo-hoo! my parking space awaits. I'm loadin' up the truck right now y'all. ( and where's the cee-ment pond?)
Funny! I'm glad some people still have a sense of humor. :)
Any men brave enough to park in the "Princess Parking" area??? Thanks for the giggle today.
You could have a lot of fun switching signs, I reckon.
Now if they had an really outstanding sense of humor they'd have a huge ceramic toad right in front of the sign!
Julie - It's right by the front door, so if they didn't put it there, it wouldn't be there. It must have a story I don't know about.
Laurie - You've inspired me to put Austin on my "someday" list. We don't have parking meters, just on-your-honor time limits. I guess I could try parking in this spot and see if anyone notices...
Hilda - She very well could have been to put it in place!
KG - The best pond I can offer is on my Water Theme Day post, Princess.
Halcyon - If we didn't laugh, we'd cry!
Virginia - I hope they are! Many of our guys are very evolved.
Kris - I claim no responsibility.
Kym - I was thinking those lights could be eyes on a new paintjob on that wall...
What a great idea!! That bench could be incorporated, too!
I'm laughing so hard right now I can barely type. OMG. Catching breath. You need your own show or at least to get paid to write material for someone. A precious gift, your humor and writing skills! Carry on,
Seattle Daily Photo
Kym - "I see faces..."
Kim - I swear, I did not plant that sign there. When you live in Willits, the posts just write themselves. You are too kind.
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