This is another residential type building converted to a medical office. I like the symmetry, appropriately enough, for an eye doctor's establishment. I also like the shadows cast by the bare branches of a sycamore, as the winter sun lowers in the west. Elsewhere, ornamental plum and pear trees are just beginning to open their blooms. Soon, it will be spring again.
It's countdown time at Willits Daily Photo. This blog was started last year on March 13th. There's just a few more days to go.
Hi! I love this house, especially the scroll work (scrimshaw?) on it.
I started MY BLOG on March 14th, so we'll be celebrating almost together!!
It's a beautiful old home with a real homey feel on the inside. And its the perfect setting for Dr. Myers too. Super nice guy.
Great photo!
I like this house. I could live there.
I like the way you caught the shadow of the railing, too.
Bibi - Congratulations!
Eric - You know, I haven't had my eyes looked at in ages. Your report here is encouraging. Thanks.
Abe - I could too!
P - That clean winter light was happening between storms. Thanks.
Thanks to all of you!
Well I'm a coupld days early, but Happy Bloggoversary! I love your blog - you do a fantastic job!
It looks so sweet!
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