On Saturday, mourners gathered at Willits High School to honor Officer Dave Tiller, who finally succumbed to cancer last Wednesday. Members of law enforcement from all over the area gathered along with local family and friends in the Auditorium, then proceeded to the Community Center for a reception. As with the recent Smith memorial, the Boy Scouts set out American flags to line Main Street and Commercial in Tiller's honor. We are all moved by a community united in grief.

Sorry to hear of the continuing farewells being said to community servants. In such a connected town as Willits, these losses must touch all corners of the community. Wishing you and Willits some bright and hopeful spring days ahead.
Hi Elaine - This was a nice post and a very solemn tribute to a public servant. My condolences.
Kim and Susie - I didn't know Officer Tiller, but from what I've read, he was much loved by all who did. Let's hope Willits gets a break from such memorials for a while.
Thank you both.
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