With all this arctic air numbing our toes and crusting our windshields, it's high time we found refuge indoors. A warm, comforting meatloaf on a gravy-smothered, open-faced sandwich (with side salad) at Ardella's is just the thing in this weather. Good news for the owners and staff: they will be taking their winter break from December 21 to January 7. For the rest of us: bad news. But they have earned it.
Oh, that looks gooooood. And an excellent photo, too.
Hey! I had to type "chances" to leave this comment. A real word!
great photo--open faces everywhere.
Your frosty RR pics are lovely too.
What a great photo. What a clean table as well, to get such a reflection :) Did he know you were taking it?
This is a very cool shot! Love the relection and framing!
Looking at the previous photos almost makes me feel the cold... Hope it gets warmer soon!
hungry man ;)it's freezing here too !
I love the table reflection. Everyone brought some food today at work and we have a real grand buffet. I ought to take a picture of it before it's gone!
Good one, Elaine!!
Meatloaf is in my top seven dishes. It is maligned by no-nothing know-it-alls!
OK, Elaine, I'm starting to take a shine to Ardella's and it may have to be my first stop on a tour of your fine little city if I should ever drive down thata way again. Enjoyed all the posts you've done about it, in it, near it and look forwrd to more. :)
Thanks for sharing!
Such a fun shot there! Love the mouth opening!
Bibi - I forgot to mention the mashed potatoes.
Dina - It was a sort of discovered theme.
Bursa - He did. I actually took a series of shots of him and his lunch, but this was the best result. I had the camera down on the counter to stablize it, and he was looking me in the eye.
JM - Thanks! That's a polished black granite lunch counter, and it gives fantastic reflections. It's raining now, so in a way, that's warmer.
Babzy - It was a lot of food, but he mastered it in the end.
Halcyon - Food, I think, is fascinating the world over. We all need it, and yet there are so many variations. Go for it!
Ron - Thanks! You should try Ardella's.
Kris - And speaking of variable food, meatloaf lends itself to so many flavor themes, you could make a different one every time. Hear, hear!
Raf - You've now assured me of success of at least one goal of this blog. Thank you.
Roentarre - Thank you!
Thank you all for your visits here!
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