Kids of all ages had lots to do and see, surrounded by friendly faces in a setting that just brings a community together, in appreciation for where and who we are. I don't know if the business people actually make much money with these extra hours, and outdoor set-ups, but the good will is priceless. The last community celebration had the misfortune to be scheduled at the peak of our thickest forest fire smoke. This was much, much better.

Community, family and friends get-togethers are the focal points of our lives, no matter what. They give strength!!
Great shot of a punching bag balloon and kid. So nice, your hometown celebration. Wish my village/moshav would do some get-together. I've been renting here for two years and know only a few of the some 600 moshav members.
Community bonds are so important in these days of busy lives and family members being scattered to the far ends of the globe.
Goodwill goes a long way, much farther than money. I love events like this.
As you say, the vendors may not make much money - but they are building up their images and exposing potential customers to their businesses. I wish my town had a celebration like this. It looks so fun!
I think your town has some wonderful events that draw you all together. Thanks for showing us!
I like the Jack-o-lantern t-shirt. I'm in an orange mood today.
The children are enjoying themselves. I love the little girls in the jewelry pic. Glad to know there's no smoke this year, and I understand the whole Big Sur area is open for business, too. It's good to know.
Looks like fun! I would have loved to see him pummeling the balloons!
Most importantly though, how was the food?
Blognote - There is life-giving energy in simply being peacefully together. I'm a bit of a hermit, but I feel it too.
Dina - Say, you and a few people could get a lot started...
Jules - In a small town, you can't help but recognize people, and safe, undemanding social events make it easy to feel a part of something.
Bibi - Me too.
Halcyon - And goodwill keeps locals looking at the local offerings as a first choice in commerce.
Viginia - Thank you.
PA - And it's just the right size with those baloons. 8^)
Petrea - Yeah, the last similar event was in late June, I think, right after our big, dry lightning storm. There are some things they can't plan for.
Kelly - It was funny. To heck with decorations! This is shaped like a punching bag!
Kris - I planned badly. When I got there, I was rolling my bike around with me, checking everything out, and planned to come back around when I had found a place to put Fifi, le Velocipede. By the time I did, all that was left were cookies and corn chips. Oh, well.
Thanks everyone!
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