She is a luminous, light, frosted petal pink thing of beauty. Both the hardware store and myself were growing weary of waiting for the fenders that would fit, so she was released into my care last weekend. I think it has been three decades since I last owned one.
There's a saying in the US, "It's just like riding a bicycle", which means if you've learned how to do something that sufficiently trains your muscles to respond to a task without conscious thought, then you will retain that skill even many years later. I found that riding a bicycle is just like riding a bicycle only up to a point. Maneuvering around uneven pavement, or weaving through a gate opening is once again a challenge. All is not smooth with my reflexes, but the bike flows like a dream. No, I have not yet crashed, but I'm taking my time. For one thing, the helmet in my size is on "back order". (I wonder if somebody in China is making the thing right now.) For another thing, I discovered that Fifi comes with some fine print (see above). Now, where did I put that manual...?
hello Fifi be nice with your new owner ;-)
How exciting that you have your own bike after all these years. As we always say, use it in good health. And in Hebrew we say, "Titchadshi!"--may you yourself be renewed by your new possession.
It looks quite cool without the fenders. The sticker is funny.
Enjoy Fifi.
You can strap a large pillow on the back of your head and that will result in many stop and go conversations along your bike route.
I must admit that my turning around sharp corners on my bike leaves a lot to be desired. My granddaughter does a better job than me.
I have two helmets and sometimes don't wear either of them. I know I am at risk of falling and my head breaking open like a pumpkin but I do it once in a while anyway.
Congratulations on the new ride, Elaine! I'm sure you're looking good as you ride by...have you thought about pink accessories? ;-)
But goodness, bikes now come with manuals? Sheesh… Not here! ;)
Congratulations on your new bike. This is a very funny photo and reminds me of how lawsuit-prone the US is. Don't worry too much about not having a helmet. Bicycles aren't dangerous. But do watch out for crazy drivers. I have a bike blog you might like
There you will find a link to Dave Moulton who has what I believe to be the best bicycle blog on the web. Next rainy day, you could spend some time with him and get intellectually reacquainted with two wheels. Cheers from BC!
Don't ride without your helmet, Elaine! I worry!
Fifi is a dream. She and June (my bike) would be best friends.
I have a brand new lady's helmet that was given to my wife. She is willing to let me give it away as she doesn't have time to ride a bike not to mention the fact she doesn't even have one!!
Let's see. Willits. Fort Bragg.
How we gonna do this? MTA?
Apparently I never learned the proper way to push off on a bike (I was self-taught) and the guy who sold me my current bike was a little worried and insisted to my spouse that I be given lessons to rectify the shortcoming. We're -ahem- working on it. I'm okay where there's no traffic, and I haven't fallen over yet.
Thank you all for your encouragement. Ron, I've emailed you privately.
I meant to respond yesterday, but a squeezed for time these days. But Fifi will make many more appearances, I'm sure. The weather has been beautiful, and I hope it holds till Sunday, when I might get a breather.
Thanks again!
She is a beautiful color. Well worth the wait. LOL on the sticker.
la fifi est belle. may you have many happy years together.
zut alors, the last time I rode a bike, there was no such thing as bike helmets. I had a yellow 10-speed Schwinn with no name.
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