As evening descended, and being without reflective gear, I walked Fifi (le Velocipede) home after a fun evening on the upper Main Street promenades. She was impressed to see this bicycle parked across from JD Redhouse, in the manner of a Harley, ready to shoot into the stream of traffic at a moment's notice. And look! It's a girl!
Same basic shape, but a whole different world...
so do u enjoy biking ?
I like the idea of this "girl" showing she's equal to that intimidating Harley!
It's not locked!? What kind of time warp is Willits locked in anyway? Horses on Main St., bikes without locks. Next you'll be telling us you still have a Five and Dime Elaine.
In Vancouver that bike would be chained to a lamp post. And even then.....
This post and photo brought a grin across my face.
I am doing something different on my Gordon, Ohio blog. I set out to photograph and describe every house in the village where I was born.
Gordon, Ohio
Very nice juxtaposition. Cheers from BC!
Fifi must have been envious of this young lady :)
A match made in (hog) heaven? Maybe not, but they make a great couple, even if they come from different worlds...
I had the same thought as Wayne... where's the lock!?!?
SHe's a beauty, Elaine!
Ah, but vive la difference!
This is great!
You know, the only ticket I ever got was at the UofM for parking my little Honda motorcycle at the curb, among the cars.
Girl bikes are best.. congratulations on your upcoming show. Are you showing any of the puzzle photos?
why do I want to call this Popeye & Olive Oyl? (and don't underestimate Ms O.O. either)
and look at that streaky traffic heading your way from the left, while time stands still for the bikes!
Saretta - And entirely different parking requirements, but imitation is the highest form of flattery, they say.
Babzy - I'm just starting to get back to it, after many decades without a bicycle. My new bike, Fifi, is my inspiration.
Bibi - She will not be cowed!
Wayne - I'm telling you, it amazes me that so few bicycles are locked around here. That purple tandem I posted a couple weeks ago wasn't locked either. It's not so much that locals would steal them, but Highway 101 brings all sorts of ne'er-do-wells right through the heart of us. But I lock up my own bike. My truck, not so much. Who would want it? We have a Dollar $tore. Does that count?
Abraham - I'm happy to make you smile. I'll tell Fifi too.
Snapper - Thanks for stopping by!
Chuck - Fifi definitely admired the spunk of this elder sister. I could tell by the gleam on her spokes.
Kelly - We can all get along with each other, if we try.
Laurie - I never looked until I got my own bike. It is a wonderment.
Dina - That sounds like blatant discrimination to me. I hope you fought the ticket.
PA - Three of the four were jigsaws, as it so happens. I'll post something here next week, most likely. Thanks!
Miss H - Exactly! Exactly!
KG - Great thought! Muscles and grace, side by side.
Thanks everyone! This was a little fun one. 8^)
And this morning, now that I'm a little more awake, I'm just starting to enjoy your Hubris title, too.
I saw a chained old half a bike while wandering in an older neighborhood of Jerusalem yesterday and thought of you and Fifi. I'll post it for you, as another vive la difference.
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