The Ukiah Mac Users Group actually holds half its monthly meetings in Willits, a half hour drive north of Ukiah. These are the ones I attend, even though my iMac desktop doesn't transport, so stays at home. But there are always plenty of laptop users, and one of them will hook up to a projector for viewing what is on screen. The Apple site is almost always useful when new products are the topic of interest, or if someone has a question about how to use one of the many programs or functions. Plus, we are usually joined by Bob Laughton, the host of Point and Click Radio on KZYX. He is always upbeat, and a total Mac enthusiast, with knowledge of how to do just about anything. He has suffered through many of my latest online discoveries, as I bounce in my chair and ask if he's seen the Jackson Pollock paint dribble site, or would he like to make recordings for Librivox, or has he played miniature golf, or explored Universal Leonardo? And Willits Daily Photo? And the City Daily Photo Blogs? And you must take a look at Dreamlines and the Deleted Images gallery or WordCount...
He he! I would join you if I could...
APPLE products are famous all around the world.
Elain, it was my first time I heard the word "birdwatching hobbyist". I don't think if there are so many professionals of them here. I really don't know.
More than 2,000 plant species are grown in Iran and The avifauna includes a total of 527 species. You may like to see this page
Nice looking laptop. Your group sounds like they might have some fun.
I love my Mac, love my Mac, love my Mac. And all the distractions of the Internet.
Look at the lovely glow of that Mac. Not that I'm biased or anything. oh no. not at all.
Oh Elaine, you're killing me with some of these links. Dreamlines? Amazing! And I have a collection I should submit to Deleted IMages. The Jackson Pollack site is a favorite of my daughter. I turned her on to that when she was about 14 months old.
As for Macs -- I am thinking of making the switch for my next computer. I've had it with PC problems.
Love this post, Elaine.
Z - If you use a Mac, I imagine there's a Users Group near you.
Meead - Thanks for the link. The hobbyists are not professionals, they just like to learn about all the different birds, then walk around the parks and wild places to watch them. We have an organization called the Audubon Society in the US that has local group meetings for people who enjoy this hobby.
Abraham - We do. Sometimes there aren't very many people there, but we snack and explore anyway.
KG - I still only use a fraction of what this machine can do. I've taken some horrifying pictures of myself with the iCamera built into the frame. Before you ask, No.
Laurie - I can get downright evangelical with some of my discoveries.
Librivox is a free, handmade, homemade resource from thousands of worldwide volunteers to make public domain publications free in audio (mp3) format. You don't register, you just take them. If you want to hear how humble most of the offerings can be, check my profile and hear me read out loud.
Dreamlines works from the Google Images results for your entry, so some are even more interesting than others. Some recent ones I've inserted: Petrea Burchard, Eiffel Tower, and Clematis.
Deleted Images already has one from me: #0770 went on to the list July 30th but was submitted a few weeks ago. It's the Wild Bee on Erigeron. Fun to see a failure have life.
Well, meet another Mac zealot. I am eternally grateful to my friends Mike and Jan for daring me to purchase a PC a few months ago. It was hard going for me at first, but Mac and I are in love now. Sadly he's the only man in my life, well if you don't count the host of Mac Dudes that patiently give me one-on-one lessons each and every week. That is the best $99 you will ever spend! I will have to look up these that you mentioned. Just what I need, another reason to stay glued to this guy.
Hey Virginia - Just click on the purple words in the text of my post, and they will each fill your screen. Mac is a good guy to have around.
So many sites so little time;) My son convinced me to buy an iBook a few years ago.
Great opportunity to get together and play and chat and learn!!!!
I do love dreadlocks - they are quite popular here in PNG too. I think you need a really interesting face to carry them off though.
Thanks for your kind message on my blog. The accident was horrific with a family devastated - their Mum killed, and her 2 teenage boys critically injured. The only saving grace - the youngest child got out with only scratches. Life is short so we must make the most of it everyday!!!
Once you Mac, you won't go back! "Louis" runs both an iBook G4 and an iMac.
Elaine, I don't understand 80% of the terms you used in that paragraph.
*proud PC user*
Heh, someday Ming, you will embrace the Mac Way. Until then, I think the links might still work for you on a PC. Or your system might just crash. Dunno.
:) I didn't know there were "proud" PC users. LOL!
Thanks for the reminder ... many years ago I sat in on a user's group but quickly ran away not understanding more than a dribble of what was happening. I think I'd be somewhat better equipped today and it might be fun to explore. Although Lord knows I don't need more activities to fill the time I don't have.
Cool coffeehouse image with great light on the wall ... sort of looks like a movie set.
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