The days are growing noticeably shorter here in the northern hemisphere, but, as is typical in California, we will get little rain before November. A local electrician smartly collects as much energy from the sun as he can, for as long as he can, on the roof of his workshop.
I'll be out of town for a few days - Mom's 80th birthday!
Solar panels would be so useful here in the Philippines! They're just still too expensive for most people.
Belated happy birthday to you mom! I hope you all had a grand and wonderful reunion!
Sustainability, this is what we should concern more! Thank you.
Although we have more than 300 sunny days in the year in Mashhad but we do not use it effectively. We have to do it!
Sometimes I think, if countries in the Middle East run out of oil one day, they still have the shining sun for energy.
Right on! I really believe that photovoltaic technology needs the benefit of R&D dollars in order to truly bring it to the mainstream. Once they figure out how to miniaturize it, it will be accessible. Remember life before the micro-chip? Nobody thought we'd all have personal computers except for a few futurists. I really think when we are able to grab the sun's power with smaller panels, and then make it easier for them to be installed, we'll be well on our way.
I'm kind of on fire for this stuff. I've been on a soap box for solar energy for 25 years now.
Okay, I'll step down now...
Great post, Elaine!
Go solar! We are in the middle of putting up solar panels on our roof. We'll use it for water, electricity and heating the house. There are some great incentive programs in Italy right now!
We live so far out that our only options are solar panels with generators backups. Viva solar!
Bonne idée, les panneaux solaires.
Alors un bon anniversaire à ta maman, 80 ans c'est le bel âge.
Good idea, the solar panels.
So a happy birthday to your mother, 80 years is the beautiful age.
My mother will be turning 80 also but in September. We plan to celebrate on Catalina Island. Congratulations moms! 80!
Hilda - I wish they were less expensive too!
Meead - The problem with the sun is that nobody can make you pay money for it! Everybody would have cheap and plentiful solar panels if a few capitalists could send you a monthly bill for the sunlight.
Laurie - I fear the R&D money is decades too late, as you say. But these days the research is going into developing large solar farms. But you see, that means we have to pay the power company for sunlight! So no Big Money will ever go to making you and I independently solar. And the prices are predicted to skyrocket for alt-energy just like they did for real estate in the last 15 years or so. The advice seems to be, get whatever you can afford now, before the prices are out of reach completely.
Saretta - Lucky you!!!
Kym - You are already where the rest of us need to be. I salute you!
Olivier - I'll tell my mother you, the lovely Frenchman, said. She is a wonderful, lively person.
P - Best wishes to your mom as well! I've been to Santa Cruz Island, but never Catalina. It sounds marvelous.
If these were made of plastic (perhaps they are?) then your post title could read "Solar-Plexus" :)
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