The play equipment area at City Park as been refurbished and fenced in recent years. I suppose it helps keep kids from running into the not always quiet streets, given their still developing sense of consequences. The No Smoking sign is for those adults who should know the hazards very well by now, but just don't seem to think.
Unlike July, August has been a very good month for breathing, and while we still have dry weeks ahead of us before the protective rain comes, so far we haven't endured any more fire-starting lightning strikes. May the clear air continue.
I don't believe I've ever seen signs that you can't smoke outdoors.
It's a good sign. Amazing really.
So glad you can breathe again.
Does that no smoking apply to the dragon or dinosaur in the background??? Hope you all can escape any more forest fires this year.
Here, in Verona, (Itlay) the no smoking sign appeared a few months ago. It sounds funny, because one thinks ok - but it's open air - but, being a mom, I believe this is a wise thing to do. The less children see smoking, the better!
Wish they'd post signs like that here. But East Tennesseans love their smokes, and are still sorely offended that smoking has been banned in restaurants. I, however, am breathing easier indoors, if not outdoors.
Jilly - I visited Sacramento recently, and there were signs at office building entrances saying smokers must stay at least 20 feet away from the doors, so the smoke wouldn't get sucked in. I hadn't seen that before. I'm so glad I never acquired the tobacco addiction.
Dina - It seems like it should be obvious, but there it is.
Virginia - I'm happy to report that I saw no smoke coming from anything!
Valeria - Even outside, smoke doesn't disperse as much as we would like. I hope any parents would hide their habit.
KG - Tobacco country probably takes it more personally than the rest of us. Clean indoor air rules started almost two decades ago around California. All the bars and restaurants swore their businesses would be destroyed. NOT! On top of that, their employees are certainly healthier by not breathing eight hours of non-stop second-hand tar.
The only down side of archaeology is that almost all the guys smoke, almost all the time, while they are working. I come home and scrub myself but the smell sometimes is still in my nose when I go to bed. Yuck.
I'm guessing but I think the first ban on smoking in California started around 1975. They put in a law that disallowed smoking in movie theaters. The last smoke I had was July 22 2000 at 2 pm. I'm glad not to smoke but I still miss them. All the strict smoking laws help to keep temptation at bay.
I hope kids these days grow up with the sense that smoking isn't good for you. Why is it, I wonder, that people are attracted to unhealthy habits?
I can understand posting such a sign near childrens' areas. They want to run and play, not inhale someone else's smoke.
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