On Friday, California Governor Schwarzenegger declared a water emergency for the state, and warned that we can't count on upcoming years to be any better. Leaking toilets, cracked underground pipes, leaving the water running while brushing teeth - all add up to wasted gallons of this necessity of life. Some people can't stand to drink plain, pure water. I savor it, like this glass at Ardella's Diner.
yes water is life !!have a good week end :)
I thought it was your choice for our Theme Day! Yes, in USA and Europe, we are so spoiled...We need to reduce our wastes, water, petrol, etc.
It sound officially serious now.
Our whole country is in a similar situation. Good luck.
Most never know what it is like to take a bath in a helmet of water, then shave in it. I hope it never gets to that but it might be a good lesson for those who have wasted water all of their lives.
Water is my favorite drink. Here on the hill we have plenty of it year round but many of my neighbors aren't so lucky some end up buying water towards the end of summer. These recent rains might help though.
Your photo and commentary are both so eloquent. Thanks, Elaine.
I too thought it was your theme day photo, but it is timely in any case. We take water (and other necessities) much too much for granted.
Considering I live in a very heavy rainfall area we often have hoespipe/sprinkler bans in summer months. I'm a big tap water drinker. Just wish that the neverending leaks we seem to report would be adressed sooner.
That settles it. No more lawn watering. Thank you, Elaine.
The photo is sublime.
Ah a great choice making such a point. A fab take on today's theme. Good for you.
Babzy - Thanks, you too!
Alice - I'm on the "end" of the global day, so sometimes I post the theme on the day before as well. And I agree about waste!
Dina - Good luck to you too!
Pat and Abe - People have been conditioned by advertising to think they need more than they do. When I lived in Sacramento, we didn't even have water meters!
Kym - You are lucky to have your own supply. That will be so valuable in the years to come. I'll bet you have all the wood fuel you will need too, so you're set!
Laurie - Thank you!
Bibi - We really do. Americans are famous for being water hogs, and we have to stop.
Babooshka - You are lucky to have all the water you need in any case. Let's hope it stays that way.
P - Thank you. The glass was right under a light, so it sort of glows unnaturally. As for your lawn, you might try cutting back at least, and only watering at night with a timer. There are so many ways to conserve.
Jilly - Thank you! Looks like I fooled you a bit (see my answer to Alice).
Thank you all! We are in this, and on this planet, together!
We have a lot of water here in Hobart, thankfully. One of the luckier places in Australia.
My preferred drink of choice is water - plain old water. There's nothing like it. When I lived in AZ and FL, there used to be water conservation methods in place, especially during the summer months. It worked!
Long time since I checked in Elaine. I love the simplicity of this - it really goes with the commentary.
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