Little Lake Valley offers wide swathes of pastureland, but I read recently that the dry winter we've been having has slowed the natural growth of grass on the fields and hillsides. What currently look like putting greens ideally should be full of lush grazing by now. At a season not normally requiring it, ranchers have had to purchase supplemental feed for their herds. It's a clear indication of the fragile balance of nature with local economics. The Willits Action Group is exploring what it would take to revive local grain and legume farming, and have started by investing in small scale storage facilities, and offering shares in the commodities to the local population. If the capacity and demand can be put in place, the our area's own farmers might be willing to fill the void.
All black ones, nice. That's so great how your Willits Action Group really takes action about problems like this.
I love the black cattle with the white fence. It all looks so serene and old-timey.
I hope Willits finds a solution to the grain question. I'm sure they will though - you live in a community that takes care of its own.
I think the same thing is happening worldwide but not total yet. I also think it has something to do with global warming or the coming ice age. In any event I hope the people have the wherewithall the buy lots of feed.
Abraham Lincoln said, "Hello," all the way from Brookville, Ohio in the U.S.A. And his wife of 53 years said hello too.
Pat and Abe Lincoln
Brookville, Ohio
Some juicy potential steaks there...
at least you got one to look at you. I was out photographing goats today. Impossible little bugars. Kept moving
Today I don't have any heartening words. I try to remember "This, too, shall pass." I hope it does while we're all still here and young enough to enjoy.
Dina - I liked this black herd too.
Halcyon - The granary is well underway, and I just read they have started selling rice and beans in bulk at the farmer's market.
Pat and Abe - We need to find ways to get our necessary food, and animal feed, without the long distances and industrial fertilizers. It would slow climate change too.
Kris - Yup!
PA - When I try to photograph goats, they squat and excrete! The only place they ever came running to me and my camera was in Cornwall years ago. Those were the days.
P - We should think about food security even in wet years, but I know what you mean.
Thanks everyone!
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