A sharp-shinned hawk waited out a cool, light rain storm while overlooking the Gordon Logan Recreation Park a couple of days ago. I did not know Mr. Logan, but he is remembered as a great leader and mentor who could spot people's talents, and could make many an idle speculation on the part of others turn into completed and tangible assets for the City of Willits. He did not live to see the completion of these community sports fields, but he had everything to do with making them happen.
The weather has been incredibly generous, with intermittent but continual rain for all of the past week, and projected into the next.

What a sign! All those qualities in one man!
Great bird scene too.
very nice photo ,i like the bird !
Glad to hear you're getting some rain! What is that yellow thing the hawk's standing on?
Lovely bird pic.
Benjamin would call this one of your "gems." It's a beauty.
and I'm very glad about the rain.
Red tailed hawks are my favorite raptor. He/she looks kinda cold. Lovely tribute.
The lines and colors are eyecatching! I like this photo almost in an abstract way.
Dina - I think I met him once, but I never got to know him. He left quite a legacy of inspiration.
Babzy and Amy - Thanks! I enjoy spotting birds and other wildlife, but I'm not really set up for classic photography of them. I actually steadied my camera on the Gordon Logan plaque for this shot, but when I tried to zoom, he flew away.
Hilda - I don't know what the yellow pole-thingy is for. There were a few others along the backfield fence of the baseball diamond, but I don't know if they have a function.
P - Thank you, and yes! Rain!
PA - We have Red Tails around too. And Cooper's Hawks, and Kestrels, and White Tailed Kites. About thirty miles north, I once saw a Bald Eagle along a branch of the Eel River. They like their fish.
Kym - That yellow pole popped in the gray light and surroundings. I hope people will explore your blog for the gorgeous wildlife shots, and insights on the world/life lived in South Humboldt county (SoHum for us locals).
Thanks everyone!
Lovely photo Elaine!
Here in Mashhad,Weather is changed,we had Rain,too ;)
Great sky photo!
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