I found this purple Schwinn tandem bicycle parked in front of JD Redhouse, fully outfitted with coordinating streamers and handy wire baskets. I'm still experiencing bike envy, for mine has not yet arrived.
The building reflected in the window, from across the street, is the Bank of Willits. I haven't heard any dire warnings about the state of its health, and it was never a free-wheeling savings and loan, but even solid local commercial banks will suffer if money isn't moving. I hope their emphasis on local investments helps them.
Meanwhile, prudent investors will spend some capital on human-powered capability expansion, like bikes, so that when the oil stops moving, and the money stops moving, the people can keep moving. Have I mentioned that mine will be pink? That's almost as good as deep purple.
Pink? You girls. Will you have pink streamers and bloomers too?
Really, very, very cool! I'm looking forward to seeing photos of you AND your bike located in strategic spots around Willits :)
And ... pedaling could be similar to pumping a hand car you know ... especially when riding a tandem. Pick your partner carefully :) (ribbet ... ribbet)
Be still, my heart. No really, be still now. Let's just take this one gear at a time. Don't want to have a MI on the first time out... 8^)
I say, why stop at just two?
Here's my pink bike. It took me until I was 38 to get the bike I always wanted as a child!
I would happily bike to work if I could. I'm waiting for them to build a bike/pedestrian bridge over the Sava river, but I think that will be a looooong time coming.
I would love a purple one like this...
All this "bike talk" is making me tired! I'm with Chuck. We will need pictures. Laurie, I am coming your way next to ooohh and ahhh over your Barbie bike!
E, if you thought my photo looked a tad WRONG today it's because I resized it incorrectly. Have another look the next time your visit.
Oh,I miss Biking!
your pic reminded me my bicycle.
My blog is updated Elaine,I put 7 photos !!!
More money more oil: all in cycle.
did we have a pink cycle?i prefer a blue cycle
A pink bike? Wow! Mine is silver...so pseudo-techy...so dull... Maybe I'll paint it pink!
Ooh, I love the bike that you chose! I think it's a lovely shade of pink too (though definitely not for me). I wonder if they're sold here in Manila.
I haven't biked in ages. It's tough enough being a pedestrian here — I can't imagine biking in our streets anymore. I don't think I've ever seen a tandem bike here either.
LOL! I followed your link. Our office could definitely use one, sitting on our bums the whole day!
yeah - photos, woman! I've never been on a tandem. geez, it's been a long time since I've been on a bike at all. But you know, I'd buy a Bad Kitty just on the name alone.
Laurie, one gear and a coaster brake? That's the kind of bike I had all my l life until I got a driver's license. Mine wasn't pink, it was a really macho metallic green.
Elaine, I thought you were getting a horse.
I love the reflection in the store window. The sky looks a lovely shade of blue.
I don't have a bike, but mine would have to be red. Preferably a holland style, but don't tell my husband. He hates those kinds of bikes. ;-)
Is this the next biggest thing in ride sharing? Love the streamers. I always wanted them when I was little, but had to settle for the big floral banana seat...
I agree with Chuck...don't forget the photo of you on the pink bicycle!
Your photo reminds me that I need to dust off the old Schwinn and convince my friend to go riding our bike trail before it gets icy. The trail is now paved for 24 miles and we have been talking about it all summer!
Your pink bike looks very comfortable and clasic...I like the Bad Kitty...for the name and the fact that it is already in the perfect color, Kawasaki Green! :D
I've been wishing for a bike myself. Pasadena's streets are almost too busy for me to feel safe on one, though. But I'm jonesin'.
I ride my bike every day ,this tandem is nice but i had an accident riding a tandem years ago and never try riding it again ;)
have a good week end !
Laurie - I'm doing a bit of catch up too. I never much liked the blue of my Schwinn Hollywood in childhood. I love the bold embrace yours has of pure exuberance!
Bibi - Yeah, if drivers aren't used to sharing the space, you need to stick to the quiet places. I'm researching high-visibility gear on the net.
V - There will be pictures, never fear.
Sara - You should think about getting another one!
Bergson - I think everyone should ride a pink bicycle at least once in their life. 6^)
Saretta - I'm even thinking of decorating it further, but we'll have to see...
Hilda - I credit Kim of Seattle for first showing that link to the Conference Bike. My town needs one of those, most definitely. 8^)
KG - Did you follow the link through to the Bad Kitty! It definitely makes a statement, and the cat eyes art is great!
Wayne - If I were to get a horse it would be a miniature one, but sadly I have no place for one. I just chase them with cameras.
Halycon - I'm going to have to look up "holland style". Hey, red is good too.
Kelly - I've been looking for coordinating streamers, after the inspiration of this tandem. 8^)
Sherry - It's definitely time to hit that wide-open trail! It's so easy to take it for granted. If it takes a Bad Kitty, well then, Bad Kitty it is!
P - It doesn't have to be a street bike, and you've proven yourself to be quite the back country girl. How about a mountain bike? I'll bet Boz can keep up.
Babzy - It sounds like you are way ahead of all of us! Tandems seem like a special challenge, and one person doesn't have any control.
Thanks everyone, and sorry for the delayed response. The good news is, I PICKED UP MY BIKE TODAY!!!! No fenders yet, but they will come... *^)
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