Sunday, July 6, 2008

Code Pink Bakes Up Some Justice

The local branch of the anti-war group Code Pink were out in force for the Frontier Days parade. The small population of Mendocino county encompasses a broad spectrum of political and social views, and everyone seems to co-exist when livelihoods are not directly threatened. More photos of Code Pink before the procession are on my Overflow blog.

I must admit, I had a goosebump moment at the rodeo on Friday when the announcer, killing a few minutes between roping events, asked the audience if they thought McCain would be our next president. I didn't hear much of anything, but I assumed a typically Republican crowd was just caught off guard. A moment later, he asked who thought Obama would be president. A clearly audible roar of approval came out. I had heard support previously for Obama, from a Republican I see regularly, but I was not prepared for the rodeo reaction. I think the announcer was very surprised. Amazing and inspiring.


Rosie said...

The election was decided when Obama won against Hillary because McCain doesn't stand a chance!

Eki said...

I like the metaphor used: Apple Pie and Dissent ... Both are delicious, both people like.

I also like the commentary you wrote underneath. Was surprised at how the Republicans reacted to the questions. Thanks for sharing.

Benjamin Madison said...

Bravo Code Pink!

Dido said...

Very positive campaigning, nevertheless the message is crystal clear. Your observation at the Rodeo can only give us hope.

USelaine said...

Rose - I rarely trust my political instincts anymore, because I didn't think Bush stood a chance, either time.

E.Q.A. - Thanks for that. Too often, people who opposed the Iraq invasion were accused of being "unpatriotic", so this is emphasizing the founding ideas of the U.S. It also is meant to demonstrate that even traditional, homemaking women should publicly voice their political convictions independently.

Benjamin - They have been brave and early dissenters.

Dido - Hope is all we have left to us.

Jim Klenke said...

Great post. Four months to go, hopefully.

Knoxville Girl said...

I'll have a large slice of that pie, please.

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." - George W. Bush, 8/5/2004

Ken said...

From one Canadian's point of view Obama is the only choice.
I think you guys have had enough of the old boys club type of politics.

Petrea Burchard said...

So great to hear support from the international crowd! Though from reading the foreign press, I know Obama's popular around the world. I think he might just help us get our credibility back. We've got a lot of work to do to repair the damage the current occupant has done.

I love my country and what it stands for. Can't wait to get back to that. Great post, U!S!Elaine.

USelaine said...

Jim - I have a countdown widget on my iMac dashboard.

K.G. - Priceless quote that sums it up.

Ken - Part of me thinks, he's only human - can he live up to all the various expectations of the entire planet? Well, I'm sure he'll try. ;^)

P. - My sister, for those who are about to rock...

Halcyon said...

Love the pie-thing with the slogans. The Code Pink group must be very creative dissenters. :)

Petrea Burchard said...

He IS only human. That's why we all have to be a part of the change. He WILL disappoint us. All presidents do, and besides, we are all individuals and we have all projected our different hopes onto him.

But I guarantee you this: if we get our butts out there and elect the man, he'll be better than what we've got. LOTS better.

USelaine said...

Halcyon - I wouldn't be surprised if there was a Code Pink group near you. ;^)

P. - Wise woman. And there is so much room for "better", even tucked behind and between the irreversable damage. I've got that Marvin Gaye song in my head now, "...a change is gunna come...."

USelaine said...

Miss H - I thought it was quite poetic, how you put it. How kind of you to comment. 8^)