The Frontier Days Barbecue is part of the 4th of July day's events, and the preparations start the day before in order to have all the beef cooked and ready for hundreds of picnikers following the parade of the late morning. Recreation Grove is outfitted with a sheltered serving area and concrete platforms for the cooking rigs. Best of all, it is shaded by the canopy of towering oak trees. A lot of volunteers work for many months to pull everything together, and some folks who have lived in Willits in the past make a point of always coming back for this holiday.
For more photos of the barbecue, please click here to link to my Overflow blog. You'll find a belly-full of images that just won't fit on Willits Daily Photo.
Loved the photograph...it simply sums up a BBQ!
Not sure I would want that job. Hot and smokey.
I would have thought your area had had enough of fires. They were being reported widely here over the weekend. How far are you personally from the fire-front?
le 4 juillet la journée des feux d'artifices et des bbq. je suis un amateur de la viande cuite au bbq, c'est délicieux.
July 4th Day fireworks and barbecue. I am a fan of meat cooked in barbecue is delicious.
Wow! Do they offer this to the town for free? I doubt that would ever happen here. :)
Oi, I think I've been in Jerusalem too long. Your pictures look like a scene from the ancient Temple, with the high priest sacrificing a burnt offering to the Lord.
But sorry I missed the barbecue. I've almost forgotten how that good tender American beef tastes.
Looks like you had a fun time taking pictures!
Denise - Thank you so much.
Jim - I'm with you on that, but there was a crew of five or six to help, and they moved around.
Julie - The level of wildfire smoke as gone down, but it was definitely bad timing. I think the nearest active fire is about 30 miles away. The nights and mornings are still smoky from the controlled back-burns they do at night.
Olivier - That's high praise from an urbane Frenchman.
Halcyon - Well, no. It is actually a fundraiser, because Frontier Days Inc. is a non-profit. They give most of the $15 to various community needs.
Dina - I love that ancient analogy! A lot of cattle gave their lives for this celebration, so I hope folks at least gave thanks for that sacrifice on whatever level they can think about it.
Wow that's one serious bbq.
Augh, now you got me hungry!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Now I'm craving BBQ! Pork ribs with baked beans and potato salad. Wash that down with iced tea!
ARGHHHHH! I want some BBQ!!!!!
Oh! you make me wanna have a BBQ tonite!
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