Shanachie's is known simply as "the pub" in Willits, and is a relaxed beer and wine bar for chilling out with friends after a hot day, or a long day, or any evening you need the society of others. Many nights feature live music and, if you're inclined, a chance to dance. On this night, it was darts and conversation. More images here.
I would certainly be inclined to dance! This looks like a warm and friendly place to kick up your heels!
Wow. If they serve shredded pork or beef sandwiches with onions I would be there every night my wife would let me out of the house. Unless she wanted to go along. I love places like your photograph portrays. We go to Miller's tavern in Arcanum, Ohio for their beer and shredded pork sandwiches. You can't eat two.
By the way, Ineke said..., in response to my asking, that a gallon of gasoline would cost $8.65 where she lives in Rotterdam.
I bet its a fun place. I like the way you captured the bartender.
I liked this photo! You captured the friendly feeling of the pub.
A pub! Oi, it's been so long. . .
Last time was when we Heifer Ranch volunteers used to drive to beer in pitchers Wednesday night at the Blue Bonnet in Arkansas. Our Perry County was a dry county.
Jim, I'll direct her to your comment. You can also find her in the additional photo gallery, addressing me with a one-fingered salute. It's the neighborly thing to do. ;^)
Dina - I didn't know completely dry counties existed anymore! One glass of anything is enough for me if I have to drive.
Marie, the next time you're in the north counties, this could be our PDP picnic spot.
Kelly, you're welcome here too!
Looks like a nice place to hang out with a very cozy atmosphere.
One of my favorite place when need a beer and watch sport, but I haven't got any success to shoot a decent photo inside of bar. Well done.
I would be dancing too! I like the casual look of this place...
I like the looks of this place. Strangely enough, I posted a photo of one of our neighborhood pubs today too. And just what did you do to earn that salute, hmmm? ;-)
KG, wielding a camera in her direction was enough. She permitted the posting however, so I'm in the clear. (Bet she thought I wouldn't).
Dry, honest. At least in 2002 it was.
One glass is enough for me if I want to WALK home even. LOL
I'm needing it!! lol
I adore those atmosphere. Really nice other photos too :-)
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