Our weekly farmers market began this month, and I got there early on the first day. The sellers are required to wait until the appointed hour to conduct business, so this one filled those few minutes with a book.
One Year of Images from this area of Mendocino County, California
I made it this morning to look at your post and then I am off for a lung test.
I hope to be finished with all tests and back to normal by the 12th or soon thereafter.
Your photograph is really nice, as usual.
Hi - great to have a look around your corner of the world!!!!
Thanks for popping into mine.
Her flowers are colorful. Strange that they cant sell until a certain time.
Love her red hair and the way the light reflects of it.
Her name must be Cuscuta.
Glad you got to the market early, just to get this shot made the trip worthwhile.
A very peaceful scene.
Abe, best wishes, as always.
Jules, thanks for stopping by.
Jim, the time constraint probably has to do with the hours allowed by the city permit for use of the city park, and gives all the sellers equal time.
Mo, her hair is like another flower.
Bernie, I caught that Pasadena reference - we'll have none of that here. But thanks for looking in.
Dina, you are so kind, thank you.
Oh, and Kelly, thank you as well!
I really admire people who make a living working with their hands and in their farms.
Selling dried flowers probably isn't a very lucrative job but at least she loves it (I hope).
Lovely shot; I like the dried flowers and her hair seems a little dry, too! I don't mean it as an insult, it's fun hair(!). It makes the shot.
Working the market circuit is sometimes thankless and boring work. A good book helps keep your mind off the fact that you're not selling anything.
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