Half a year has passed on Willits Daily Photo, with a mix of details and wider vistas. Like these friendly but silent cattle pictured here, more folks seem to be watching what goes on here than when I started out. In the beginning, I tried to keep my descriptions to a minimum, just wanting the snapshots to stand on their own. I thought this would just be my secret little "thing" to do. But as I began visiting some of the other City Daily Photo Blogs, the pleasures of interacting revealed themselves.
My special thanks today go to some of my first comment-leaving visitors. Jana of Susanville started her City Daily Photo Blog around the same time I did, and it was nice to hear from someone in another small northern California town, but she developed computer challenges, and doesn't seem to blog any more. Benjamin Madison of Victoria, Canada has been an encouraging spirit from very early on, and because our blogs started within days of each other, I consider him my Blog Brother. His photography is really not to be missed, and I am humbled by his kindness. A couple of Kiwis were quick to make me feel welcome; Sakiwi of Hamilton, and Ben of Nelson. They also served to show how unlimited the geography of a blog audience can be. And here I thought the interest in Willits would be limited to the few people in Willits who know me. True to his spirit as the Ambassador of Blogging, Abraham Lincoln (yes, related to that president) came around with generous comments for this new kid on the block. He struggles with the pain of arthritis, yet his comments grace City Daily Photo Blogs the world over, and like everyone, I welcomed his kind notice. Gerald England, of Hyde, England, was also quick to come by and notify me that he was including me in his vast archives of daily photo bloggers old and new. Someone mysteriously named iBlowfish stopped by with good wishes, and when I followed his profile to Cleveland, I was blown away by his stylish photography. I'm sad to see he has stopped, even as he was listed as a Blogger of Note by the folks at Blogger.
I am grateful to all visitors to Willits Daily Photo, and I realize many of you don't leave comments, but check back to see new posts once in a while anyway. My little visit counting widgets tell me that I get around 50 or 60 visits a day, most days now. A good quarter of those are probably just me, but still that's more than I expected when I started. We'll see if I can can keep this up for a full year. Thanks again!
Some more pictures of hay are on my Overflow Blog.
A lovely tribute and so true.
Whaddaya mean "We'll see if I can can keep this up for a full year"?! You'd better!! My day is not complete without a daily dose of Willits DP wisdom/wit/teaching/questioning/feeling.
Bless you, dear blogger sister.
Blogging in general and CDP in particular is a wonderful tool to keep us in touch with the world, maintain our perspective on life. I am very happy with the blogging community I have met.
Me again. Your comments rang a bell, and I checked my own blog and realize that I have been blogging since March 14th, so that makes one half-year tomorrow! Check me out tomorrow and see that I've mentioned you!!
congratulations on having made thus far and heres wishing you many more years of blogging interaction!
Congratulations, Elaine!
I have to echo Dina: what do you mean "if you can keep this up?" You're one of my favorite bloggers! Don't disappear on us ever!
Aw shucks, I must confess that when I first saw the Willits Daily Photo I thought, "Willits? C'mon! How is she going to milk this town for a photo a day? It looks like a about a three photo town." But after a while I was struggling to make my world class, vibrant, beautiful city seem as interesting and photogenic as Willits. But it's not just that you bring Willits to us, Elaine; your comments on mine and many other blogs make our lives in our own cities much pleasanter and richer, day after day. Thank you, Elaine!
Hay so real I think I'm gonna, gonna, gonna.....ATCHOOO!
Congratulations on 6 months of great daily photos. My day isn't complete without checking to see what new surprise you have in store
for me, another Willits "home-towner".
I echo dina in saying: "You'd better keep it up!"
I have only been a visitor here for 3 of your 6 months, but I always enjoy your photos and your comments. I too started out thinking I would just include a short caption, but like you have found sharing thoughts and experiences extremely rewarding. Here's to many more sights of Willits and your wondrous words!
PS The hay photos are great today!
It was intresting!
Meead started Mashhad Photo daily,then asked me to share my photos as the second author,now I am so happy that I could make many nice friends by this blog community!
and you are one of those nice friend Elaine!
Congratulations! You know the cliche "by the inch it's a cinch" I like the photo close up of the bale of hay
Well said, Dina. Blogger sister and friend, you're it, Elaine.
And Benjamin says another important thing: your comments on other blogs around the world enhance the experience of those blogs.
I also love your photos. Some of them achieve haunting beauty. Some of them are loaded with charm like today's cows.
Congrats, Elaine! Must reiterate what petrea said, and tell you that I check in here often though I don't always comment, and definitely look forward to seeing your comments on other blogs (mine included). In fact, I knew you'd reached this anniversary because I saw it on Bibi's blog.
Am having lunch tomorrow with Chuck Pefley (who's visiting) and several NYC daily bloggers. Who knows? Maybe I'll get to meet you one day too!
Dina - Thank you. When I visit your Jerusalem Hills blog, I'm amazed at the often multiple daily posts on so much rich history and personal experience. I'm so glad you join with us in the CDP "circle" even if you choose not to be on the portal. I proudly stand as your sister.
Bibi - Hey, that makes you a March Sibling right along with Benjamin! The CDP portal guy, Igor, told me that more bloggers joined up in March 2008 than any other month before or since. I think it was that "Blogger of Note" distinction that Eric of Paris got. At least that's how I found out about them.
Magiceye - Thank you, but YEARS?! I may not even stay in Willits that long, but I do appreciate your blessing.
Hilda - You are very kind as well, and I'll keep going if you keep going, for as long as it brings us joy.
Benjamin - And here you prove my point about your kindness and spirit, and of course, humor. Thank you.
Amy - Gesuntheit! Hey (hay?) everybody! Be sure to check my link last Thursday to Amy's blog, where she spoke more eloquently than I could on the occasion of 9/11. She comes to you from Mendocino county too. Plus, I'm listening to her husband on the radio even as I type this. He's hot, and I mean that in the nicest possible way.
Glo - Thank you, sweetie. Another dear local, and personal friend. We need to make another Ardella's date.
Virginia - Thank you. Your elegant style make Birmingham look as glamorous as Europe! Perhaps it's our visitors that helped to bring us out of our shells.
Sara - Thank you too! I'm so glad you will continue the fascinating Mashhad blog, even while we gain a new Portland blog with Meead.
PA - That's really it, isn't it. We just do each post, one at a time, like a heartbeat. I liked the hay too. The farmers weren't keen to be identified, but were very kind to let me poke around. Does that make me a cow poke?
Petrea - I remember distinctly what an explosion of personality I found at Pasadena Daily Photo, with your stories and questions and joy. I think you broke the ice for me on letting loose with conversational style, and I thank you, Sister P.
Alexa - You are so kind. Whenever I commented on Paris Daily Photo, I wondered if my tone was understood, and you have been so good to say that you "got" me when I doubted I fit in. Maybe you didn't realize that, but you did. I eagerly await your memoirs of a creative youth in Europe, plus everywhere else since. And I am sooooo jealous of all you blogger-meetin' bloggers. I guess NYC and LA have an advantage.
Thank you all for joining my little celebration, because you are why I celebrate. 8^D
Six months eh - well done and hope you keep it going for years rather than months. Thanks for the mention (google alerted me)
Am just catching up after my Oz visitors. I love this post - photographs and your comments and congrats on your half year. The CDP family is just amazing I find - your comments really emphasise that. Here's to your next six months and BEYOND!
Happy Half Year Anniversary. :-)
Make hay while the sun it out...or however the saying goes.
Hey, you say "Perhaps it's our visitors that helped to bring us out of our shells"? I just realized, that's true!
Hay, half way there :)
Late to the party as usual, but I finally made it here to say thank YOU, dearheart, for you wit and insight in both word and photo. I new nothing of Willits before coming here, and you've made it real and magical.
nice macro shot
What a thoughtful post you have written!.
Please do keep blogging, at least for a year. I'm one of those who visits more than I leave comments, but I have to say, not only is your blog pretty terrific, I also notice you leave the funniest comments on other peoples blogs. You should know how often I laugh out loud while reading them.
Congratulations! Keep up the good work! Don't stop now! You can do it!
And if you don't keep it up for a year, I will miss your posts...
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