This is a automobile tire chain store, found in most western US states. I confess, I used to watch some of those TV shows involving complete and outrageous renovations of junker cars, and would fantasize about choosing decorative modifications for myself. But no more such ideas for me, unless they make Green Freedom™ a reality really soon. Apparently the physics all checks out, but they haven't figured out how to make sure a few private entities get filthy rich on the research funded by public dollars yet. I'm sure they'll get that licked just as soon as all vast profits from every possible drop of oil have been concentrated in a few pockets first.
Okay, sorry. It's just a retread tire store. And it looks neat as a pin.
I like those shiny rims.
I think I've been reading too many EU blogs - my 1st thought was how did a French article get with a German word. I'll be OK, just a bit of blogger brain fever.
PS ... if I had my age posted it would be rolling over to five-o at the end of the month. So here is to the fourty-niners!
I had to look closely to work out what it was. Over here we spell tire with a y (tyre) - weird hey???
That's a strange topic to take photo!but you did it in the best way!It would be an intersting job,I do not know why?!!
Ah they look quite empty and I think that is the place for me. My local tyre fitting store is far too busy and I usually have to leave the car there for the entire afternoon just to have a tyre replaced!
It surely loooks neat, not very usual in places like those around here...
I've allways loved U.S. motel neons from those years. The one on your previous post is fantastic!
Yes, I know how you feel about those corporate profits...
When I was a younger car nut I sometimes drove from Vancouver to Seattle to go to the car stores. I don't think it was Les Schwab but it was a US chain. It's on the tip of my tongue.
I don't think it was Pep Boys either. I'll remember as soon as I hit submit.
Sometimes I don't enlarge the photos but I did with this one and it is much more impressive blown up.
nice photo...funky monkey, funny eh!
I recently had to have a tire vulcanized. It's quite boring to sit around in the shop waiting. Although this one did have free wi-fi. Only helpful if you have your computer with you though!
You and me both, honey. These days I seem to be all mad and no glad. I hope our presidential candidates are listening because I don't know how much longer we can take this.
I guess that wasn't about the photo. Yes, it looks nice and neat. I like the Miracle Mile series.
looks delightfully neat!
Tash - Funny! I didn't think of that. Yes to 49! My rollover is in February.
Jules - I think that's true in the UK as well. The "y" spelling makes me think of an old city in Lebanon.
Sara - So many different kinds of work must be done by someone, and it is interesting to contemplate other lives.
Rose - The secret here is that it was the Labor Day holiday, hence the empty lot and American flag.
JM - Thanks, I like the neon too.
Saretta - I really am convinced there's a timing conspiracy in all this.
Wayne - Thanks! I remember taking a road trip with my mom when I was about ten years old. We started out just to explore the north coast of California, and maybe Oregon, but we ended up getting as far as Vancouver, BC! I remember the crazy but cheerful traffic, and a man with an accent that sounded Scottish. I need to go back sometime to make more memories.
Barbara - Thanks!
Halcyon - I only have a desktop. Next one should probably be portable.
Petrea - I know you know that I know you know what I know. Going against the grain means making some hard choices. I'm going to have to break up the series a bit - I need some air and green.
Elaine,My food blog is updated,if you are intersted to visit it : http://iraniankitchen.blogspot.com/
I've dealt with a local Les Schwab tire store for the better part of 30 years, and I've got to say you'll find no better service anywhere! I even ruptured one of their tires driving into a deep drain parking outside of Powell's Books in Portland. Next morning I drove into a Portland Les Schwab store, explained the problem, and drove out 30 minutes later with a brand new tire ... no charge. They are seriously good folks!
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