The City Daily Photo blogger of South Pasadena has, with no small amount arrogance, issued a Craftsman Photo Capture Challenge to her cohorts in the San Gabriel Valley. I sniff in her general direction when I point out that northern California has many lovely enclaves of the hundred year old style, and I'm not too humble to start throwing it down from right here in Willits. This spectacular example seems to have a more modern installation of red brick for the lower front porch, but everything else stands up to period scrutiny, and the overall effect is charming.
Oh sh*t, I've pissed of NorCal's most amazing blogger...
And what a great shot, you upstager, you!
(If you look back, I amended my request to ALL bloggers... and I'm so glad you took up the cause. This is aces.)
Oh, settle down, sister. There will be more. Jyesst you wait...
I wonder what it looks like inside? I see Laurie already heard.
Throw it dayown, sistah! This one's a beaut!
I'm still playing, when I feel like it, when I see something, if I get a picture... This contest may go on interminably.
I love this contest. Now I get to see even more Craftsman homes. It's about time for another compilation post of all these great shots.
I agree with you, this is a fine specimen of Craftsman.
This kind of looks like something out of New England.
Abe - I don't know who or what occupies the place. I say that because there is a welcome banner, and families don't ordinarily do that. Could be a counseling center, but maybe someone local will comment to set me straight.
P - I'm dishin' it here. I found a really run down one I could throw in just to mess things up, but pretty is so much better.
Laurie - Compile at will, but like P, I expect to show some more in the weeks ahead.
Halcyon - The dove gray looks surprisingly cheerful against the wooded backdrop.
Amy - Well, I've never been to New England, so I'll take your word for it.
Thanks folks!
I adore houses like this, and would love to live in one.
Good for you, USElaine! A little rivalry and "one-upmanship" is a healthy thing ... and I love seeing the banter back and forth -:)
Historic homes like mine too.
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