A local jazz trio offered cool sounds on an easy afternoon at coffehouse Mendonesia last weekend (the piano is out of frame). We may be small, but we've got it all. Some time, I'll try to capture the open mic poetry readings done here each month.
One Year of Images from this area of Mendocino County, California
Listening to music live is always great !
Nothing better than a string bass! I bet the music was fab.
What a lively shot in great light, Eliane. I love piano trios. Nice to see musicians finding venues like this. I wonder if business owners realize how much they build a sense of community when they include time and place for people to gather and enjoy the arts. How lucky you are to be so rich in the arts in Willits & MendoCo in general.
Seattle Daily Photo
I agree with what Kim said. and I love that name, Mendonesia.
The guy and girl look soooo cool playing jazz music.
Very nice, Elaine. I'm sure I would like this place....and the poetry readings.
Babzy - Especially when they are as good as these were!
Halcyon - I agree!
Kim - We are lucky, in all areas of the arts! This business owner put some money into fixing up this old bank building on a prominent corner. It's a no-alcohol coffee/smoothie/sandwich/dessert house with a top notch sound system expressly setting out to be a mixed arts venue and all-round safe hang-out. Local visual arts on the walls too.
P - I think the name dates back to some business or publication in the 1970s, but has not been in use again until now. Has also applied to the counter-culturalists as "Mendonesians". County + amnesia?
Ming - I thought so too. He was using brushes, and I love that sound.
Raf - I need to attend one of those sometime - just to say I did. 6^)
Thanks all!
That looks pretty laid back. I've noticed quite a few jazz pictures on cdp lately. Great to see.
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