According to the Willits News, Winston Churchill stayed at the Van Hotel on September 13, 1929 with some other associates on their way from Canada to San Francisco. Are we strategically placed? Or just a celebrity magnet?

One Year of Images from this area of Mendocino County, California
Wow. Did the hotel rename the room he stayed in?
Come out and play, Elaine! I just tagged you in my blog :D
Celebrity magnet, for sure!
I've been a resident of Willits for almost 56 years. I didn't know that about the Van.
Celebrity magnet! Speakinawhich, did they eat at Arnella's?
Hilda - It hasn't been an operating hotel for a long time. I doubt they did a thing about it. Oh, and my tagging response will be delayed a day - I had other stuff lined up for tomorrow. But I'm ready!
Halcyon - I'll go with that. 6^)
zibergirl - It's accidental knowledge from me. I'm taking the word of a local history pamphlet, but I'll bet it's in the library's microfilmed newpaper collection. The King of Jordan stayed at the Benbow Inn last year. He was touring on his Harley! I wonder who else has come around...
P - Ardella's wasn't around that far back, so they had to eat someplace called the Eagle Cafe (no longer with us). More's the pity.
Thanks everyone!
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