Brooktrails is a vast subdivision in the mountains northwest of Willits, outside of the city limits, which maintains its own special districts for water and greenbelt management. One of the recreational amenities is the nine hole golf course. The course operators have decided that about 40 trees must be removed in order for the greens to be suitably maintained for golf. Redwoods cast long shadows, and the sporting turf has suffered for lack of sunlight. The question for the community is, do they want to cut the trees and continue to golf? Or do they leave the trees, and allow the acreage to become a non-golf parkland area. Brooktrials Township sponsored a community walk to help people to consider the question. This putting green has an unfair midday sunshine advantage, situated by the parking lot.
keep the trees ;)
By all means, keep the trees!!!
What a nice name for a course. I like the placement of the balls too. Nobody is about ready to fall in the cup.I have two new blogs to show you:
Dips Pen
Abraham Lincoln's Blog
Keep the trees! I have faith in the people of Willits. They know better. That's why Willits is such a lovely place.
I'm all for keeping the golf - although I don't usually like 9 hole courses much. Is it a par 3?
As if the world needs more golf courses. They can all come here. I know we've way too many for a poverty-stricken nation =(
I don't play golf so my answer is pretty obvious. I'm sure an avid golf player disagree. :-)
Well, I personally would make more use of a park, but the only other golf course in the county is over on the coast. They are both nine hole "executive" courses, whatever that means. I have no idea what the par is, Halcyon. Most golf courses famously require lots of irrigation (at least in our dry western staes) and frequent applications of fertilizer, the run-off from which pollutes the environment, so I usually object to them just about anywhere. Keeping the greens free of other plants sometimes involves herbicides as well
Anyway, I don't live in Brooktrails, so I will leave that decision to them.
Thanks for weighing in, everyone!
Executive course is a nice way of saying it's a par 3 course. That means all the holes are short and you should be able to make them in 3 shots. Full courses have par 3s, 4s and 5s. I'm not so fond of executive courses - not much challenge - so let the forest take over!
Halcyon - Thanks for the info on the designation. I never would have guessed.
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