Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wet Dreams

As I left work the other day, I noticed some welcome clouds forming in the northern sky. It wasn't enough to bring us more rain, but there's a slight chance of some predicted for later this week. We are now at Phase 3 water restrictions in Willits, limiting household water use to no more than 250 gallons a day, and prohibiting non-essential water uses like washing cars or sidewalks. It will take a long season of rain to get us out of this drought.

Anyway, as I then looked directly overhead, I saw this soft-looking blot catching the last of the daylight. And you know, silly me, I quickly spied the head of Foghorn Leghorn, the Looney Tunes character, looking down at me and smiling! Am I nuts? Wait, don't answer that.


Rosie said...

Haha.. you are NOT nuts!
But very interesting title!

Pat said...

I see Leghorn!

Unknown said...

Well, I can't see the Looney Tunes character but I wish much more clouds will come to your area to give you all the rain you seem to need. That is a very dramatic situation...

Virginia said...

Yep, that's him. Crack me up.

Halcyon said...

It is a very nice, wispy cloud. I don't know who the character is that you're talking about, but hope you get some rain soon!

Amy at Woza Books said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy at Woza Books said...

I'm not hoping for rain. My roof is being repaired. It was supposed to be completed by September first but the shingles are still off about 1/5 of the roof. The roofer seems to be slower than molasses and I'm worried! (Sorry, made a big typo first time, had to remove and repost.)

Wayne said...

I've stolen some of best lines from Foghorn Leghorn.

If we're allowed to use titles like 'Wet Dreams' on CDP a whole new world has opened up for me.

I had not problem spotting FHLH in the cloud Elaine

Eki said...

This cloud looks wonderful - it's like an island or continent of some sort.

I'm concerned of the draught your city is currently experiencing. Hopefully you will get enough rain soon.

Knoxville Girl said...

drat. I see an ink blot.
hope rain comes your way soon.

Barbara Rahal said...

ha ha h that is so funny, and yes I see his face , he is talking to ya!!! funky funky! nice catch!!!

Hope said...

Wishing for rain falling your way....I tried and tried to spot Foghorn Leghorn....and trust me I'm old enough to know who you are talking about. But, alas, I could not see him. A nice wispy cloud though!

USelaine said...

Rose - I'm not nuts!

Bibi - I'm not nuts!

JM - I'm nuts! (Thanks for the good wishes.)

Virginia - I'm not nuts!

Halcyon - I'm nuts! (Thanks.)

Amy - Well, let's wish for it just to fall in Willits then. Good luck!

Wayne - I'm not nuts! (I take no responsibility for your titles. Use at your own risk.}

Eki A - I thought it looked a little like Siberia too. (Thanks for your concern.)

KG - I'm nuts! (Thanks.)

Barbara - I'm not nuts!

Hope - I'm nuts! (Thanks to you too.)

Laurie Allee said...

Wet dreams... hmmm... I see a CDP Theme Day topic in the making...

Cool shot. ANd heck yeah I see Leghorn!

Wayne said...

I guess it falls to me to break the news.

Elaine, seeing Foghorn Leghorn in a cloud is not proof that someone isn't nuts.

Take another look at the list of names that saw him.

Welcome to the club.

Petrea Burchard said...

I heard of a brush fire up north today and thought of you.

Even though you're nuts.

Laurie, you are funny!

USelaine said...

Laurie - I'm not nuts! (Much to everyone's relief (!) I'm sure, it's too idomatic, don't you think?)

Wayne - Speaking of idioms! Well, given more thought, you're probably right. And thanks for the welcome. Best to not be alone at a time like this.

Petrea - Yes, a wide consensus now, "nuts" it is. No fire here, but thanks for sparing a thought.

Dina said...

Didn't they always say that Callifornia was like granola, full of nuts, fruits, and flakes?
Elaine, you just keep on being your own nutty self. :)

Rosie said...

You have me in stiches!
Keep saying it, you might convince yourself...
You are not nuts!

USelaine said...

Miss H - You have cracked this nut up!