I'm not sure how long Gribaldo's has been in Willits, but I would guess decades. They have an old fashioned steam table, all-you-can-eat buffet including scrambled eggs, sausage, fried potatoes, french toast, biscuits and gravy, if you're really starving. If you're looking for cowboys, a lot of them eat here. This also used to be the Greyhound bus stop, but it looks like the stop was moved across the street to McDonalds. I seem to recall that too many bus passengers were making the dangerous crossing to the fast food places on the other side, and getting hurt. At least the public telephone here has a dial tone.
Oh dear, the traditional diner makes way for the fast-food upstart!
I don't like restaurant in road because their food is not hygienic.
Omg, that buffet sounds deadly! Not for dinner, I think. Do they serve breakfast? ;)
I prefer to eat KFC when I am not in my country.We always are worried about that Is our food Halal or not!
So I can not trust to any resturant when I travel to other countries.We just prefer KFC!
Beautiful night shot: "DINNERS"
Thanks for your visits and comments. I'm sorry for not regularly visiting your blog these days; I'm so busy with packing my stuff and getting ready for my big trip.
There's a pay phone? They are a pretty rare species. I love finding these old diners when I go traveling. I've had some interesting conversations with the local folks that I believe I couldn't have gotten at McDo's.
p.s. love that neon arrow.
I like the looks of this diner at night. I bet you could have some interesting conversations there!
Funny though that they advertise "dinners" when it sounds like they serve more "breakfasts".
PS: How much does a payphone call cost these days? I doubt there are many people who don't have a cell phone. And even less who carry around a bunch of change - it seems everyone takes plastic these days.
I appreciate a dial tone. Cell phones are against my religion.
Sally - People's tastes have changed. Plus, they know what they will get at McDonalds, but Gribaldo's is a mystery.
Danial - It's difficult to know what happens in a kitchen, but I haven't heard of any Health Department warnings on this place. The truck in in a parking area; that is not the street itself.
Hilda - I should have been more clear that they serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the breakfast buffet is only for the mornings.
Sara - I can understand your challenge eating in restaurants when you travel. In large cities, there are kosher and vegetarian restaurants, but in small towns you are safest with KFC. We don't have one here in Willits.
Meead - This is an exciting time for you, and I wish you joy!
KG - And at each local hang-out, you can find a slightly different crowd. I seem to find everything I need in the northern part of town, so I don't venture down to the Miracle Mile very often.
Halcyon - Yeah, my mistake for only mentioning the breakfast buffet. I don't usually eat dinner out, so I have tried their breakfasts, but not anything else. I think payphones accept calling cards too. I don't make nearly as many phone calls as most people apparently do, and I imagine this one is for travelers without cell phones, so I don't know what is required nowadays.
PA - You and I are among a dying breed. I thought only lawyers, obstetricians, and traveling salesmen would need constant phone contact with anyone.
Do they serve pie? I always think of the diners we visited on the road when I was little, and they all had the fresh made pies and cakes in the glass coolers behind counter.
Hi, You regularly crack me up on Petrea's blog, so I thought it was finally time that I paid you a visit.
Did you say biscuits and gravy?!? You're talkin' my language. Alas, there's not a single spot in So.Cal. that serves decent biscuits and gravy so I have to get my fix on trips back to WV. Now I can come to Willits, wherever that is.
Nice nostalgic sign, lots of good home-style eats & COWBOYS! How could anyone resist this place.
PS - I keep waiting for the age dial on your page to turn so I could wish you a happy big b-day. My big five-oh is just around the corner...
Tash - I'm an Aquarius, so I'll let you figure that out. ;^)
Kelly - I can highly recommend Cheesecake Momma in Ukiah for the very best desserts around. Unfortunately, that isn't in my blog territory.
Susan - Nice to have you here! You crack me up too. The best biscuits and gravy in Willits is at Ardella's. I've already featured them a couple of times, and it's my favorite place to send people.
Now that you've turned me on to Ardella's, I will definitely have to visit Willits. How far are you from SF?
Susan - Mapquest says Ardella's is 135.67 miles from Ghirardelli Square, and 2 hours 25 minutes. Petrea has solid plans in the works to bring a bus up from LA, sweeping through all the CDP blog hotspots on Highway 101, going north as far as Victoria BC. You in?
A CDP tour? That sounds SOOO cool! I'll have to talk with Petrea about that.
I'm with Knoxville G. on this one - the neon arrow is modestly wonderful, generously offering additional directional information, in case you were wondering where the dinners were.
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