This dry cleaning business closed seven or eight years ago. It never occurred to me that the clothes that didn't get picked up by the customers would just stay locked up. The opposite side of the building looks like this.
One Year of Images from this area of Mendocino County, California
The clothes and equipment are still in there?! I guess they just closed down but never sold the place.
This is Perfect!
That IS weird.
Odd scene!
Hmmm...those clothes could be considered vintage and worth a lot of money. :-)
Interesting. You would think they would have donated those clothes to the Salvation Army or some other group which helps people in need!
Seven or eight YEARS ago? Wow, a fashion time capsule waiting to be opened.
Oh, a room full of kipple.
I've been reading too much Philip K. Dick lately, this photo is creeping me out a little.
Actually something like this caused a bit of excitement before my wedding. One of the bridesmaids had sent her outfit to be cleaned, and the cleaners closed down while it was still in there. She didn't know if she would be able to get it back again!
Luckily they arranged to open briefly (I think only for one hour or something) so that people could come and claim their clothes. I bet many people couldn't make it and lost their things though!
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