Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Dull Tuesday?

I know, a pretty dull picture. This was Tuesday in the Community Center auditorium, which is unbearably dull looking any day of the week. Looks like a movie set for a mental hospital mutiny. But no, these are voting booths, standing and waiting for the electorate to come forth and issue their will. 35% of the registered voters in Mendocino county did just that. Remarkably, that's considered a pretty high turnout. But why isn't it more like 90%, okay 70%, every time? And that's not even counting people eligible to register who don't. I guess it's just too dull. I wonder if they'll feel that way when November rolls around.


Rosie said...

They don't look at all like the voting booths around these parts of the world.

Jim Klenke said...

In Nov the nonvoters will complain about the results.

Halcyon said...

Those voting booths look quite modern to me! I have to vote in an apartment complex recreation area... they have those nasty old moth-eaten curtain booths. Ick!

magiceye said...

unfortunately its the same story the world over... nobody wants to participate but everybody wants to complain, rave and rant about bad governance...

Anonymous said...

I have asked the same question many times. It doesn't seem to make any difference who is in or out of power.

iBlowfish said...

Those are pretty nice voting booths. They look minimalize style to me. Cool shot.

Chuck Pefley said...

Is there a Hog or a Wasp on the ballot?

Chuck Pefley said...

Our voting booths looked exactly like these until very recently.

ptowngirl said...

Our voting booths are quite similar around in my area, but at least the building isn't dull -- it is in a Scottish Rite Temple. This will definitely be an interesting election coming up in November!


Profile Not Available said...

I think the voter turn out is so sad! I agree, it should be higher! To think that so many take for granted what others would die for.

I will step off my soapbox now...sorry.

How did agricultural referendum come out?

USelaine said...

Kelly, I just heard this morning that they still haven't counted thousands of mail-in ballots, so the results aren't final. If you click on the link of the percentage words, you'll see the County results page.

Petrea Burchard said...

What's great about this shot is it conveys more than just the objects in it. It conveys the very mood of the voters.

And Jim's right.

The D in D & T said...

I like this photo very much. There is something very space-agey about the look of those booths. Maybe it's the legs?