Last Sunday, local Harley Davidson enthusiasts held a rally and barbecue to benefit Willits Police officer Dave Tiller, currently undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. The festivities included a raffle and silent auction, as well as two live rock bands. I dropped by for the photo opportunity, and to make a small donation, and found my dentist and dental hygienist, the city planner, one of our beloved postal clerks, at least one downtown businessman, and I think the recently retired fire chief, all among, if not in, the leather-festooned crowd. Cheers to community support for our law-enforcement officers, and to worlds colliding. See more pictures of this event on my Overflow blog linked here.
HeHeHe! Looks like Hog Heaven!
great shot of two guys from the sixties, i like the view
thanks and a nice weekend
I guess I should point out that that's a woman on the left! Glad you like the shot. 8^)
So did they give you a ride?
wonderful shot. the both of them look so peaceful just sitting there. it must've been a lovely day. I wonder what they're bikes look like?
I remember a time when I would have killed for one of those waistcoats!
This is awesome, Elaine!
A Biker BBQ - what a hoot - I bet they were all too tough to eat!!!!
Cool dude/dudette! And such a lovely story. There are still so much good people in this world.
And they used to be so radical!
ok oh sorry i dontr see the woman as a woman, but it doesnt matter, the looking unique and amazing
biker booty is always better than plumber's butt :) Have a great weekend!
that is nice to know...
that the support system is good and strong.
Great photo and commentary. Bikers are always such good people I find.
I love this pic. And it's good to hear that your community is so involved in taking care of its own. Cheers to that!
Great photo, and an interesting post!
Edwin, if you want to see some of their bikes, click on the last sentence of the post - it goes to my Overflow blog!
Jilly, you'll find a long coat Chihuahua with a big, bad, biker in the Overflow as well. And she kept her eyes open!
I'm glad you all enjoyed this one, because I enjoyed having a reason to investigate the event - the "meatspace" payoff of blogging. 8^)
This one made me smile, brilliant!! Thanks for stopping by Edinburgh dp every now and then, I really appreciate your encouraging words re the blog. I'm loving it and am absolutely hooked!
I am glad you posted this. I have been posting the Isle of Man TT motorbike races all week. Just like your post it shows you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.Excellent post.
Aren't you amazed at the bikers in the closet? I know I am ! cool shot.
Nice shots, great turnout for a great cause.
A typical look, eh?
Yep, it's a winner, Elaine. Good cause, great time and a super post! love that shot.
Anybody remember when it used to be The Hell's Angels that lined the streets of Willits?
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