Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Grange Building Entrance

This fine old building was originally an elementary school, built in the 1920s. It was sold in the 1960s to the local grange, and provides meeting space with a well equipped kitchen, assembly hall, and classrooms. A few rooms are rented to commercial and community enterprises. I understand that long delayed roof and subfloor maintenance is now urgently needed. I hope they can find the resources.


Benjamin Madison said...

It is a lovely old building. I am learning a little about architectural styles from others' blogs. I am mostly ignorant but this style looks a little Spanish Colonial - maybe it's the wrought iron work below the windows on those towers or the two towers themselves are a little bit like some of the old mission churches. Nice also to find out about granges - I had to look it up. I suspect we have had something similar in Canada but I don't know if they were called granges. I had a rural aunt who was very involved in the "Women's Institute" which seemed to be an important organization for rural women.

USelaine said...

I'm no expert on architecture either, but I think you're right. It would look even more Spanish Colonial with a red tile roof. There is a touch of Art Deco in the tower moldings too, I think.

My introduction to Women's Institutes was through the movie "Calendar Girls", so it's hard to dissociate the images of nude photography from WI for me. I think those are just in British Commonwealth countries.