Saturday, April 5, 2008

Action Packed

The site of the future Frank R. Howard Hospital building has already seen a great deal of preparatory work. Besides the sparkling new infrastructure of water mains and curb & gutter paving, seismological study trenching went deep down to determine the structure of the earth below. The geologists discovered an ancient standing forest, apparently covered with mud or ash in a sudden, overwhelming event eons ago. Oddly enough, this lot sits astride the Mayacama Fault - a northern extension of the fearsome Hayward Fault on the east side of San Francisco Bay. I missed seeing it, but the engineers have completely excavated the footprint of the future building, down a full 20 feet, laid in gravel and a "geotextile", then filled it over again. Surface construction should begin later this year, after the soil has finished re-compacting. So there's action here. Let's watch!


Benjamin Madison said...

If this gets any more thrilling I'm going to have to lie down.

USelaine said...

LOL - Benjamin, I try to pace myself on this one. Quick peeks every few hours is about right.