Veterans Day, as you may also learn from many other North American and European City Daily Photo bloggers, is also known as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day, and marks the anniversary of the end of World War I. At the time the commemoration was instituted, I'm sure it was hoped that WWI was the War to End All Wars. Sadly, it was not, and now we remember our veterans from all wars, and honor those who survive.
The Veterans Memorial Building in Willits is a fine old meeting hall for veterans groups, and used to also house the local county court proceedings.
Lovely post for a holiday we too often forget.
A practical memorial — that's rare.
I'm hoping for the day when we don't have to add to the roster of soldiers we have to honor.
Such an important holiday in the US, while in Italy it is only Saint Martin's day...the patron saint for cuckolds!
What a lovely building and you got that dappled sun just right!
The building was built in 1940, just in time for a brand-new group of veterans from World War Two. How prescient.
Woodrow Wilson was an idealist who believed in peace and was quite embittered toward the end of his life at what he thought was a shameful lack of will by the United States to work with other nations to maintain the peace he believed was so hard won after WW1. My father was born in 1918 and was named after Wilson. Every time I hear "War to End all Wars" it makes me want to cry.
I love this picture today, Elaine. The dappled light is beautiful.
This is one of my favorite buildings in Willits. I look for it everytime we pass through. Nice angle, too!
Thank you all for visiting. If you link through Laurie's profile to her South Pasadena blog, you'll find a great summation of Veteran's Day.
As with most days off, I slept in too late, and missed the breakfast being offered in this hall.
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