In contrast to yesterday's crumbled wall, this freshly molded walkway was installed between the Willits Center for the Arts and the Carnegie building, to allow cleaner access to the back door of the WCA. Such cultural organizations are already operating on a shoestring budget (very little money), and are wise to complete whatever repair and maintenance they can before funds get even tighter. I would have liked to see some autumn leaf imprints on this cement, but these guys seemed intent on cleaning all that away.
Leaf imprints would have been a great idea for this building's walkway - would have added a lot more interest!
Fully agree with Susie. I'd have sneaked out there later and pressed a few into the cement!
Leaf imprints? How about my initials?
Elaine, you should have put your handprints in...Oh, wait that's vandalism. But it is like bubble wrap, it is hard to resist.
To work In The Garden. nice I Am blog you have made reviews for the thank you. New i hear in english.
Oh, don't you just want to go leave your mark on that smooth cement with a leaf imprint or a line drawing? (Or Jim's initials? Or your handprints? I see I'm not alone in my sentiments!)
Once again, you make the mundane into art. What a beautifully composed shot.
Susie, Bibi and Kym - I agree, but like you say K., these cement guys always seem to be insistent on clean and neat for public projects. This was actually pretty well set by the time I got there, and they were taking away the barriers and hosing it off.
Jim - Your initials would have been best of all.
AKH - Thank you!
Laurie - Thank you too. As I confessed above, it was too late even if I had been so bold. *sigh* And these guys just weren't going away, darn it.
Thank you all for looking in!
OH YES, leaf prints. what a great idea. Instead some cat will prance across the wet cement and leave prints.
Leaf imprints on cement — for walkways, patio floors and even restaurant walls — seem to be very popular in Manila right now. I've been seeing them all over the place. Less expensive that tile or stone blocks, I guess.
I'm surprised you didn't take matters into your own hands, Elaine. hehe It's so inviting.
At Heifer Ranch I once helped mix concrete and patch big potholes. As a reward, our group was ASKED to write our names and the year in the wet cement. I bet mine is still the only name written in Hebrew on the Ranch.
No sense of humor, eh? Given the number of leaves on the grass I'm surprised one or two didn't insert themselves when their backs were turned - with or without intervention :)
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