I spotted this gleaming white house just down a side street from the post office and had to get a picture. Every bit of shrub and grass was pristinely manicured as well. My impulse would be to plant a riotously excessive flower garden against this vast blank canvas. The violet and lavender paint trim is a good start.
Oh, that is so pretty! I'm a bit of a neat freak myself, and would like this house...but with some color, too. Pop over to Museswings' blog for a "cleaning" post. See my blog list if you can't find her.
I don't like using words like cute to describe inanimate objects, but that's cute!
Sunshine Coast Daily - Australia
White house seems to be wonderful. In This house that i am. i would like
I like the way you took the picture so that the lavender roof lines keep my eyes sliding to the right and off the photo.
A white picket fence! Haven't seen one of those in a long time! I agree with you, the scene needs some color. Flowers would be ideal!
That is one of the most charming houses I have ever seen! I'm with you on the riotous colorful garden. ;)
So charming! Are all the houses in Willits like this? :D
It always nice to see this pride of ownership.
Is it getting ready to go on the market?
i don't like formal gardens gardens ;)
David Lynch. Is it me but Blue Velvet came straight to mind. ehind the pristine exterior lies who knows what.
I love how you turned old fashioned objects into something graphic and modern. You're so good at that, E.
I agree -- an effusion of flowers... STAT!
Oh brilliant Elaine, your expertise, please?
Oh yes, I like the fact that it's clean. But it needs a riot.
Bibi - And I'm always so impressed by the neat freaks! That's just not the flag I fly, try as I might.
Bitingmidge - It looks like it could be a beach house, come to think of it.
AKH - I would like it too. Thanks!
Kym - There was more white to be had, but I loved the geometry staring me in the face at this distance. Thanks.
Saretta and Hilda - I picture California Poppies popping through those fence slats, drinking in the sun. To start.
Halcyon - I can tell I haven't shown you enough houses. We have some beauties.
Wayne and PA - I didn't see a sales sign, so I wonder if it's newly purchased.
Babzy - So let's go wild! Poppies!
Babooshka - Is that the film that opened with the ants in the grass? This could be that place.
Laurie and Petrea - I don't suppose it would be appreciated if I sneaked over and threw some poppy seeds around... Oh, they'd probably be weeded up quick enough.
Thanks for taking a look with me here!
Bibi - "A Clean House Is A Sign Of A Wasted Life." Perfect. 8^)
A lot of geometry is going on here! great great point of view!
Too bright! But the lavender does make a nice accent color.
Happy Thanksgiving!
"Fresh and Clean" is known locally as the "Bridge House" because for the past 18 years some of the best and most avid card players gather regularly. Several bridge groups play weekly. Also knitting lessons,an Abraham and a Liberal Ladies discussion group, astrology and psychic classes, doll making and crafting classes all use this space. Some say they sense that the spirit of Dorothy Quandt is still checking in. She was a noted educator, artist and passionate bridge player who lived there until her death in 2005 at the age of 98. Those who imagined the poppies should know that in June there is a riot of poppies, irises and roses. After the recent painting, the yard underwent a fall cleaning. Under the window that you do not see are purple and rust crysantemums and purple and orange violas - very colorful for this frosty time of the year. DQ's daughter, Emmy Good
Ms. Good, that is a delightful story. Your mother sounds like one of those people everyone just had to be near because she gave off something good. That house is like a tidy gift box holding untold treasures inside.
Hey! Emmy! Thank you sooo much for your beautiful explanation about your mother and her house. I had absolutely no idea, and this makes the house even more beautiful! Yay!
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