There's something pleasing to me about a healthy-looking wall, unblemished by gang tagging, in good repair, and neatly painted. Willits is not untouched by the plague of vandalism and gang activity. Every time the skate park is hit with graffiti, the city closes it. I just read it's happened twice in the last two weeks. I wonder who pays for the clean-up.
This wall is on Wood Street, near the corner of Main. When I looked at this on my computer, I felt like I had posted it before, then remembered the Windsor Mill post. Some similarities anyway.
Hello! I like this photo, all the more because I have a whole series of what I've called "Mondrian" walls, since the geometric forms created by colors and shadows remind me of his artwork. I'll be posting some! Drop by!
I like to see what people do with walls. Not the graffiti artists but the building owners. They could all solve the graffiti problem by planting aggressive multi-flora roses. That would soon cover the wall with beautiul green leaves and vine and actual roses and there are also a millon thorns to deal with to get to the actual wall. That is a solution much used where people know about such things. LOL
I like the colors on this wall too, and the door gives some good color contrast. It reminds me of your photo of the blue wall with the poppies growing in front -same pleasing color combo.
Also, it is metal sheeting on the Liberty Building, which is what interested me about that image. Thanks for your comment.
I love the color combination. It is indeed similar to your earlier post. I agree with you about the satisfaction you find with something so unspoiled.
Yes, it's a beaut! Did you crop this or is this just as taken? I'm a little bit in love with cropping these days....
bibi - I look forward to seeing those too.
Abe - Thank you so much for stopping by. The roses sound like a great idea, but not much room for them at this spot. Let's hope this just stays clean, like all the results of your tests.
kg - Thanks for the answer to my question. Your Liberty Building shot is wonderful.
kelly - Thank you!
Benjamin - I was hoping you would spot this one. I do use cropping on many of my shots. Often, it's because I need to rotate the image a degree or two to the left - I guess I'm not a symmetrical camera holder. The other thing is that my camera seems to capture more of an image than I see through the viewfinder. This usually is an advantage, because I get more "whole" objects that I might not have been attentive to in the field. In this case, I confess I cropped out the bumper of a truck parked along that side of the street. You can still see its shadow, but the truck itself didn't seem to improve the ideas and textures in this case.
this is neat!
Those colours are so bold, but strangely work well. It is unusual to see such an touched wall. Reminds me of Edward Hopper painting. Suuperb.
Love your wall shots, Elaine. Great color contrasts and composition.
You do have a way with a wall, and I love that blank, clean surface, too.
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